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Online Relationships? (14)

1 Name: IOS : 2015-02-11 16:04 ID:NmAtDuRV [Del]

So I know that extreme opinions on both. Some people think it's beyond stupid and naive, but others don't really mind it and they don't think much of it. There are different types of online relationships, obviously dating sites. But I'm not talking about dating sites.
There is this person I met online a while back. We were chatting on the thing and then we added each other on some other website. It started in October and it was just an RP at first but then we actually started talking on New Years. Obviously not talking but you know messaging each other. We've been talking every single day since. And I thought it was stupid at first because I had a crush on this person. I didn't even know who they were and I was already infatuated with them. THen convos got a little personal, but not too much. More like just talking about our lives, our family, friendships and stuff like that. And now, my feelings have only grown. I've been going crazy just to respond to this person each and every day, every single time they respond to my messages. They literally make my day, every day. It's gotten so crazy that my friends are really starting to think that I have a problem. I will agree that I won't ever put my phone down and that I've almost gotten caught with my phone in class. I have never taken my phone out during class until this person came into my life. I feel like I'm getting mixed signals from this person on wanting something more than a friendship, but that's probably just me being hopeful. I don't care who they are, what they look like, or anything. Because the more I find myself talking to them, the more we actually find out that we have in common. I'm not kidding. I've never had someone that really understands my like this. We all have friends. People we can trust and people we can tell things to. And then there are others that we can't trust, others that we can't tell things. It's a mix and match between everyone in our lives. Well this person, I feel like I could tell them anything. They just get me, they understand, and I feel the same about them. However I really don't think they feel the same way about me. I don't think they like me that way. I just want advice. Is this right? Is this wrong? Am I stupid for liking someone behind a screen? Am I just an idiot for actually feeling this way? I really want to know. What's wrong with me? This is really always on my mind. Please help me.

2 Name: Sparky : 2015-02-11 18:28 ID:8onmYILd [Del]

Hey, you are not stupid for feeling these things, not at all.I'm in a relationship with someone who I've never met and we've been going out 3 months now and known each other for about 2 years. You are someone who likes a person by their personality rather than looks, and its a great thing to do. You are not wrong for having these feelings, if they are a great person and make you this happy then they sound like a good person for you! If you want to know whether they love you back, I would say see if they drop hints that they like you, but dont rush.I would say just carry on talking with them like you are

3 Name: IOS : 2015-02-11 20:14 ID:KGRxunuX [Del]

>>2 Thank you so much. It really helps to get advice from someone who knows what I'm talking about and isn't judgemental. I've only told two of my trusted friends and one of them didn't mind but the other was really trying to talk me out of it. I'm not stupid. I'm not going to give out personal information and do stupid things. I'm not that kind of person. I just really like them. I feel so close to them and the messages they always send me, make me so happy. I won't rush it, like you suggested. ^.^ I just want to get to know them more and get closer to them. So thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :)

4 Name: Reneo : 2015-02-11 21:15 ID:4QJpVkCj [Del]

I've met my significant other through a game called Resident Evil 5 and ironically we've been together for five years and still going strong. So I understand both sides of the spectrum but honestly if you're happy with your partner and vice versa and I mean truly happy to be with them ( you know no bullshit or pretend) then it doesn't matter what other people say. I'm not exactly the romantic type either so I'm telling you this now. Love comes in all sorts of form and time. Love just finds its way with you. =) There isn't anything wrong with you liking someone behind the screen because they are a person too. XD People tend to forget that which is silly. XD But yeah Sparky gives out great advice, I'll say the same thing. Drop hints, you know obvious hints because some people are dense XD (like me). I would say don't text in class but I used to call which is 2 times worse XD. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.

5 Name: IOS : 2015-02-11 21:30 ID:KGRxunuX [Del]

>>4 Five years?! Wow, that's amazing! And I really am happy with them. And I think that people just jump to the conclusion that it's some pedo looking for their next victim. That could always be a possibility but I don't believe that this person is anything like that at all. I trust them. I'll try and drop hints but I guess I'm just a little scared with making them too obvious because they could easily just stop responding and it would just end like that. That's what I'm most afraid of, but I'll be brave because this person is just so special to me. I'll try not to text in class as much. I'll resist the temptation ^.^ And a big thank you for sharing your advice with me.

6 Name: King of Shadows : 2015-03-08 01:37 ID:DzDNVp6l [Del]

It can be touch and go. I've been dating the same woman off and on for almost the past six-ish years. We've had problems, some big ones but we almost always wind up back together for one reason or another. It can be hard and a lot of work, but sometimes it's just how it is. If you care for that person, try your hardest. At the same time, if they want to go, you have to let them go no matter how much it hurts.

7 Name: Shikami_Roku : 2015-03-08 12:48 ID:DbSY4hw2 [Del]

Hmm, for me we met on a rp group we were together in, we got together not too long. Although being a high school student means that I'm not on that much since I can't change the account on the messenger on my phone. So i would talk at best 2 hours tops, even then, if my luck was bad, she won't even be on at that time since the time difference is quite big. Even though i can't possibly compare with the people above, being only a year into the relationship, but I still want to comment on this thread. The massive twist is the fact she's actually double my age, at first I was shocked, but I mean if you love that person, age shouldn't matter. So go with it, I mean give the hints and sometimes obvious ones (i.e. 'I love you') in your messages, since love is like gambling in a way. You either win the jackpot that you meet the one for you, or lose and have your heart broken. What i want to say is don't leave room for regret to bloom, since past regrets are the most painful kind of pain one can have from the past. So take a dive and hope for the best, I mean the most successive people are the ones who had both won and lost to the game of life...

8 Name: IOS : 2015-03-08 15:52 ID:NmAtDuRV [Del]

>>6 I can see how the long distance thing would be a problem. I think it's harder yet easier at the same time to establish a close connection with someone you can't see. I don't know if you two skype or not, but that would surely strengthen that bond. And you've been on an off again. I wouldn't know how to handle something like that personally. If it ended well I would just leave it at that, but I would still want to be friends with them. And yeah, if they don't feel the same for me, then I just need to accept that. No matter how much it hurts.

>>7 So it's been a year? I've met this person months ago, but we only really started talking recently. The time difference between us is about 7 hours but we talk as much as we can, all throughout the day. And this person is a few years younger than me. It would be as if I was dating an 8th grader or a freshman. The age doesn't bother me and you're right, age shouldn't matter if you love them. We both know our own ages. I just know it would bother my friends and people i know, so I don't mention it. And I have left subtle hints but I don't think the message is getter across at all. I've asked hypothetical questions and question about love and stuff like that, but not putting myself into the equation. THey don't seem very interested, oblivious would be a better word. And I'm not saying it's because they are young, it's more because they just don't have experience with things like that and they just don't really understand it. And I'm really scared to drop something like 'I love you.' I feel it's still too soon and I just don't feel like they return the feelings, which is okay. But I just really don't want to ruin this really good friendship we have. I get what you mean by having no regrets, but I think I would regret it more if they stopped communicating with me altogether. I'm afraid that's what would happen if I told them that I loved them. I know I'm a coward, I'd just rather hold onto this for just a little while longer.

THank you both for commenting on this and I will take your advice and thoughts to heart, really. It makes me happy to know that people out there understand.

9 Name: Ungulate : 2015-03-08 20:47 ID:Spb0/D1e [Del]

I've got way too much experience on this to fit in a little post but I'd still like to help. The best advice I can give to you is that things work the best when everyone wants the same thing. As for what you want, you're going to have to think long and hard about that and then weigh your risks and rewards. There obviously isn't a right or best answer, but the important thing to do no matter what is to always give other people and other things a chance so you can keep growing as a person. Don't neglect offline opportunities just because there's someone online you're crazy for, and don't be shy around people offline just because you can't physically be with them. As for what they want, that's a total mystery, but no matter what you shouldn't try and push or force them to want anything and you should accept how they feel no matter what. I hope this helped a bit, but if you'd like to hear my long-winded story or if you'd like to just pick my brain a bit for advice, find the Dollars map on main and find my pin with my Skype info and I'd be down to talk.

10 Name: IOS : 2015-03-09 09:14 ID:NmAtDuRV [Del]

>>9 I know and I'm not forcing them to feel anything. I really wish we could be in a relationship but I'm okay with just being friends because I don't mind the great friendship we have. And I don't want them to feel uncomfortable or force them into anything. And I would like to talk more. I'll find you.

11 Name: Adreox : 2015-03-09 13:17 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

I met this girl a little more than half a year ago. We were friends for a long time. She was there for me in good times and in bad times. I started noticing that everytime she replied to a message I was filled with so much joy and happiness. No one Ive ever met has ever understood me like she does. The more we talked about ourselves an our lives, the more we realized we had in common. So a little over two months ago, on Christmas eve, I asked her if she'd be my girlfriend. And she said yes. Not only that, but she seemed so happy! It was really awesome. Over the past couple months we've learned a lot about eachother. The only thing that could be difficult is that she's 15 and I just turned 18. But were both confident the relationship will last a long time. We often talk about what it'll be like some day when we actually meet. Weve pretty much come to the conclusion that were gonna hug all the time, lol. Distance is something I dont consider a problem, Ill find a way to get to her when the time comes. No amount of distance can keep us apart. So dude, leave hints and be subtle, but at the same time, be there and listen to what they have to say. Be there best friend. That worked for me.

12 Name: Hapyer : 2015-03-09 14:38 ID:oMLVRhXw [Del]

I don't really have any advice for love, I've never really had a boyfriend or a crush ( basically may love liffe is going nowhere 😆). But I've made lots of friends on the net, some are the best friends I could ever wish for. So I think the net is a great where you can meet people who understand you better then anyone else. The only problem is the distance x3. I found all your stories so amazing and I think they prove how love can surpass everything even a screen.

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: IOS : 2015-03-11 12:49 ID:NmAtDuRV [Del]

>>11 It's sweet how you both are okay with your age. And it's nice that you both found someone who could make you happy, despite the age or distance. We are really good friends and I'm gonna keep it this way for a while. I want us to get closer together and to be really good friends. I would like more, but just knowing them and getting to be their friend is enough for me. I'll keep dropping hints but I'll always strive to be their best friend :)

>>12 And you're right. Online friends really are cool people. Especially when you share common interests and have a lot of stuff to talk about