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Senior project! (4)

1 Name: TeaBlood : 2015-02-10 20:47 ID:mdVxu9ia [Del]

This is my fourth year of college, and this semester I am taking the capstone course for computer science. The capstone course is the same idea every semester: take a two player board game, and make a full fledged program with networking, a graphical user interface, AI and et cetera.

The class is split up into teams and each team leader doles out roles for each person on the team. I am the AI lead for my team, so I get to develop the computer player for single player mode which is exciting. There is an intense AI competition at the end of the semester as well with grades on the line.

Although my work is far from done, I am happy to say that today I believe I have a completely functional alpha beta pruning AI that can go about 11 layers deep in just a couple of seconds! I'm really excited about this, and I will post again if I make more significant progress.

2 Name: jill : 2015-02-10 20:59 ID:3qq23ZJw [Del]

I'm not sure whether this should be on the technology or personal. Your not asking for help so this should be random. But your quite awesome to be able to make an AI. What kind of board game did you choose anyway?

3 Name: TeaBlood : 2015-02-10 21:10 ID:mdVxu9ia [Del]

I know that this post isn't posed to seek help, but I am open to any ideas.

The board game that we are assigned to is called Kulami. It's a little weird, and I don't think I could accurately describe it here...

It's a pretty cool game though, you should look it up!

4 Name: jill : 2015-02-10 21:39 ID:3qq23ZJw [Del]

I looked it up, but I still don't understand how to play it though. It looks kind of fun. I want to try it.