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who is she? (22)

1 Name: noname : 2015-02-09 13:04 ID:ptbtBwz1 [Del]

hello everyone!^^ there is a girl in my school that i find very mysterious, i don´t know anything about her,but she are always saying "hello" when we walk by. we don´t go in the same class either so our schedule are a bit different so basically we only see each other on lunch break. but i don´t know how to react! today our eyes met (again, nothing new here) and i took the oppurtunity to wink and smile to her. i don´t know what will happen tomorrow but i must edmit that i am a bit nervous! i find myself very curious about her and my heart starts to race when i see her.. I don´t know why? i mean. i don´t know her so it can´t be love right? or could it? oh dear, i don´t know what to do and how to handle this and i don´t know what´s going on either! i´m sooo lost when it comes to love -_- could you guys help me out please?

2 Name: jill : 2015-02-09 13:32 ID:3qq23ZJw [Del]

Lol, so innocent. Okay, first,try talk to her. Second,try to ask her out, just to confirm whether its love or not. Third, Try you best! I'll be cheering at the sideline.

3 Name: Bitter : 2015-02-09 13:35 ID:44V6vgrC [Del]

Ah, young love~

AS I don't know your age, and you don't have to tell anyone here, I can't understand the situation perfectly.

What I can say is:

1. Don't jump to any conclusions!
She might have looked at you because she's interested in you, or she might just have had a short interest in your hairstyle (Or whatever).

2. Be nervous, it's completly normal.

3. I'd say take it easy, but that's just because I don't believe in love on first sight. Get to know her as a friend before you try to take it another step :)

4 Name: Shiro Neko : 2015-02-09 13:53 ID:YMS3G6E4 [Del]

>>2 >>3 yo good advice, but your beginnings make you sound like old geezers stuck in a movie, LOL.

For the lols man, for the lols.

5 Name: Bitter : 2015-02-09 14:22 ID:44V6vgrC [Del]

>>4 For all you know, we might be old geezers ;)

6 Name: jill : 2015-02-09 14:30 ID:3qq23ZJw [Del]

>>5 or not, maybe just experienced

7 Name: redman001!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-02-09 17:11 ID:2L1GiRHe [Del]

>>1 i kind of understand you,altough i was never was on that situation.just stay calm and let things happen,if you have teh chance to talk to her then talk,life is too short to be nervous about litle things

8 Name: Arcillus : 2015-02-09 18:27 ID:codWo6s3 [Del]

Tell her that she made your heart flutter when you first saw her and that you didn't want to live life not knowing who she is.

9 Name: midsmasterxeph : 2015-02-09 21:10 ID:MEDOQesS [Del]

Time to bang

10 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-02-09 22:09 ID:6Xj1sTqD [Del]

Infatuation, perhaps?

11 Name: The Doctor : 2015-02-09 23:15 ID:ynjSfGkj [Del]

Ask her if she has something in her eyes, because you have her in yours. It's only natural, really, what with how her smile catches the sun like the dew on a blade of grass on a summer morning. And how her voice draws you in like an orchestra strumming with the even beats of your heart, the melody accelerating as she draws near. Then give her the smolder!!

12 Name: A+ : 2015-02-10 13:55 ID:RGh7PyF3 [Del]

ask her out, get to know her already p.s. three good date= "happy ending"

13 Name: Ginger : 2015-02-10 14:07 ID:ooxWFomU [Del]

You're just infatuated with her, you're not in love at all. Just speak to her casually and you'll be fine

14 Name: noname : 2015-02-14 09:48 ID:ptbtBwz1 [Del]

thank you all for your advises! ^^
but how on earth am i supposed to talk to her when i loose all my grammar experience when i´m around her? i remember once and my teacher asked a question for me in class but unfortunately i could not answer because Mona lisa (nicknamed because of her mysterious smile) walked by and did NOT loose eye contact with me.. i am very happy for my friend sitting next to me said the answer straight up thought^^ but i will try to calm down but it´s kinda weird because i have never felt like this before but sure i have been in love but this is not the same sort of love it´s like a different kind of love damm..
i sound like a idiot -_-'

15 Name: Aggie-tan !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-02-14 11:04 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

>>14 Aww it really is Valentine's Day ^^~♥ Like the previous comments, you're simply infatuated. Interested. But obviously it can be or will become something more ;3 Just be normal! She said hi to you everyday when you weren't trying right? Try to start a simple conversation with her is gouge out how she may feel.
Ganbatte~ ^_^

16 Name: noname : 2015-02-15 03:33 ID:ptbtBwz1 [Del]

thank you for your advices y'all
i will do my best!^^

17 Name: Aggie-tan !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-02-15 09:06 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

You can do it! ^^

18 Name: Akane : 2015-02-15 11:09 ID:5A0Zxo3N [Del]

haha i actually also went through the same thing there was this girl and in the halls even at lunch we would always make eye contact and smile at each other but we didnt know each other. i would always get nervous around her, but the next time your eyes meet just stop her or go up to her really quick and at least get her name and start talking to her. Thats what i did and it worked :)

19 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-15 16:54 ID:IbDIzV9j [Del]

Yo, it's going to seem hard now, but honestly you just need to spend time with her. Invite her to join your group, etc. See her as a person, not as a girl, and keep this in mind: 'if you were her, what would you do? a guy keeps making eye contact with me and he seems nice'. I can say that if someone was interested in me romantically or as a friend, I'd be nice back. She sounds like she likes you too tbh, unfortunately gender roles means that you're the one who is going to have to initiate interaction with her.

20 Name: life : 2015-02-15 21:45 ID:eSqNJoMA [Del]

Awww. To be completely honest, I have the exact same thing going on with my best friend's brother. I'd say that you should just go say something and introduce yourself. It's a very cute way to start a relationship~! Good luck~!

21 Name: Takuto : 2015-02-15 22:00 ID:gB3SdQfa [Del]

LOL dude have you think dat just friendship

22 Post deleted by user.