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A friend (5)

1 Name: anon : 2015-02-08 01:55 ID:MlkiaoWT [Del]

I have this one friend.. let's just call her A. Now, A is a nice girl. She's funny, fun to be with and all and we have a lot of similar interests together. I like being her friend but recently I've been getting a little.. I don't know, annoyed? with her attitude whenever we chat online. She has those moments where she says she lacks love and stuff and when I don't reply to her for a period of time due to personal matters, she be like "do you hate me? Dx". There are also times when I'm not in the mood to chat with anyone so I just leave my phone aside and ignore any messages that come, she will go like "next time say hi when you wake up :( makes me sad" or "don't make me feel lonely" and stuff. Then she would go on about how she feels left out and how she feels that I hate her and then at one point she said to not go to any hangouts without her. She also said that she feels left one when me and my other friend chat with each other about something when SHE also chats with her other friend about something when I'm around her at other times. She keeps on going all dramatic about small tiny things that will usually happen when you're in a group of friends. Once A, me and another friend were at the playground and we wanted to play on the swings and at first A played on the swings with my other friend while I sat on a different set of swings a little further than that one. Then we moved for a bit to a different area and when we got back to the swings me and my other friend sat on it while A went to the spring animal thingys. She was being quiet playing on her phone so I offered her to sit on the swing I was on so that she won't be sitting alone over there but no matter how many times I offered she declined so I was like "oh well..". THEN when we got back she started telling me how left out she felt, how she felt bad if she were to take the swing and how she thought it was rude and I just... I don't know I felt a little annoyed at that.. I want to tell her but I feel that I might hurt her and that she might get negative again... How do you think I should confront her about this..?

2 Name: MiYuKi !eeYVm2Joww : 2015-02-08 02:25 ID:DoMyyGUf [Del]

Be Honest with her. If she is really your friend then she would respect your opinion. I have a friend like this as well...she gets on my nerves with these "No-one loves me" and stuff like that even though she has a boyfriend who loves her. YOU MUST TELL HER EVEN IF IT WOULD HURT HER. IF SHE REALLY IS YOUR FRIEND THEN SHE WOULD UNDERSTAND. but also maybe she wants someone to depend on but first you need to tell her that you feel a little annoyed with it. good luck~

3 Name: Setton : 2015-02-08 02:26 ID:okWGB6zB [Del]

that seems like what happened to me. But not exactly of course. Just, I wanted to confront her but she's a way negative and always saying, "okay then, I will not talk again," or "i will not laugh again," like, duh, I just wanted her to know that she's being over acting and dramatic.

Then, that's why I decide not to confront her again. What I did was I asked her. "What will you do if I told you that you're so blah blah blah," then she reacted like a child again. Then I said, "hahaha, I'm just asking you girl" hahaha

but kidding aside, for me, you don't have to confront her. No matter what, that's her. We can't change them, we can just accept them. If you cannot take her anymore... ugh, that's so difficult! your conscience will attack you if you avoid her. Just, understand? like, my other friend was a little negative about relationships and she's saying that all relationships will just end up breaking. She's so annoying. She wanted me and my boyfriend to break up. But when I found out her REASON, I understand why and I felt sorry for her.

That's it. I don't know if I really helped you. But she's your friend. ^^

If you really want to confront her, do it when she's in a good mood. ^^ And in person at least you can explain everything before she reacts. Then, don't stop talking. Don't let her to react as long as you're not done. ^^

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5 Name: anon : 2015-02-08 02:40 ID:MlkiaoWT [Del]

I'll consider what you guys said and try and be honest with her. Thanks ^^