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What is life? (14)

1 Name: Uiriamu Busujima : 2015-02-07 07:09 ID:+YHyy4DS [Del]

Hmm...I have a problem. A laughably stupid and insipid problem, yet it's something that's haunted me all my life. I don't know what to do with my life.
I was born an intellectual individual. Since an early age I had an innate aptitude for the academics. I've always been praised by my teachers and professors that I'm the brightest student they've ever had...but that I'm also extremely lazy. All my life I've had the terrible habit of not doing my work, yet acing every test. I never studied, I alienated myself, and I never did anything to my full capacity. I didn't even finish H.S on time because I was so lazy, yet I scored 5's on 5 AP tests, 2100 on the SAT and 32 on the ACT. I could've probably received any scholarship to any Ivy League of my choice, yet I sat and turn my back against my own self. It was not until I realized that I'm not doing anything with my life. Once H.S. ended, I received the biggest white glove to the face. I realized that I wasn't special, that I was just another smug, entitled brat...that I was just someone living in a comfort bubble. I realized that I had a major headstart in my life, but just like the hare I got cocky. Eventually the tortoises surpassed me, with their hard work and dedication... Now, I'm a 21 yr old male, with no hobbies, no friends, no goals, no drive...and no passion. All my life I spent it inside my house, inside my room. I never took up any hobbies, ever. I never drew, or played music, or join sports, nothing. I would just spend it thinking all day long, mindlessly floating by through life. My quasi-friendships never lasted because I would become bored quickly. There has never been anything to ignite my interests. Never in my life have I woken up looking forward to something. I have no passion for anything, since there's nothing I do. Therefore I have no drive because I'm not working towards something...and I've realize how excruciatingly sad that is. It's a void that I've become numb towards. It baffles me to no end as to how people can have passions. Some people love art, others love music, others just love helping others, and every single day they wake up with that on their mind. How can someone love and enjoy doing anything that much? How does it work? How can people choose their paths based on their passions? Better yet, how do you acquire your passion? This is the question I've been asking myself all these years. I've been to college, but I'm in a dead end. I've researched every single career from various industries and there's nothing that captures my attention. I've never woken up and said, "This is what I want to do, this is something I can see myself doing." To add to my first world problem, I know I can excel in any career based on my intellect. I know I have the skills...but I want to do something that I love. How can I possibly find that out? I've come to a point where I think I'll just take a high paying job with a high employment rate even if it's not my passion; possibly engineering. I think everyone wants the same thing; a car, a house, a family, a secure future, but how can I possibly enjoy that solely? I feel there is much more to life, but what can it possibly be? I have always been inside my bubble, but for the first time in my life I'm suffocating and I need to get out. I've been experimenting with hobbies of all sorts, I feel this is a good start, but I want to do more. I want to find my purpose, my passion. So please tell me, what is life? What is...passion. How can I find it?...

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3 Name: Tooru : 2015-02-07 13:24 ID:LP3BAVYo [Del]

Reading throught your post I couldn't imagine all your days, just doing nothing but thinking, wondering what life is about. Sure, I think very often too about various things and all but there must be something you do in between them. Or try to remember what you think(thought) about the most, during lessons, on your way home and so.Btw I loved my ways home, finally alone and could think about whatever, so you could maybe go for a walk or so?
What about writing something? Maybe a story, maybe just sum up your opinions and thoughts.
What did you do as a kid? went to some course, or just played games? Try to take it up again.
I've come to like many things trought anime (weird?)
I love volleyball for example, I study the language. But before that I did not know what to do in my life at all. And to be honest I did not gave it much thought as well, there was nothing that suited me.
I just went to school, came home, and watched tv or so, but i cant say it was a hobby. I just did it because it was there or because I was too lazy to take up something.
But it started to tire me out, this everyday routine and so I did various things.I tried to pplay guitar, i learned few card ticks, i tried to write, i went jogging, I baked, cleand the whole house( i love this one, especially with music on). But these didnt happen over night you know. and its not like Im devoted to my hobbies 24h a day and I quitted many of them. in my case, i have many hobbies but only one passion that I haven't realized for a long time.
I guess you have to admire someone first whether it's a real person or not :P so you'd think "What he does looks cool, I wanna try it" or so.
So maybe you's already tried all of the things I've written, in that case I'm sorry for not being of any help ^^
but I think you'll eventully come to realize what you consider fun

4 Name: Aster : 2015-02-07 14:14 ID:V9BGQ1qD [Del]

You're not alone. I have the same problem. I have things I like to do that keep me occupied, but I don't have a passion for them.
You could always pick that high paying, possibly boring job, save the money you get from it, and use it to do something big later on in life. But if you suffer from chronic boredom, like me, then pick something that will keep you occupied. Something that is always changing, or something so foreign to you, it will keep you interested for years. For instance, you could become a detective, where each case has a different solution that you have to find. Or you could take on any job in another country. This way you could take a high paying job, that could come easy to you, but still be able to have an adventure whenever you want.
As for your question...What is life? That's something you have to find out for yourself. Everybody has a different answer for that question, if they even have one at all. Plus, why would you want someone to tell you the answer to the biggest question of all? Where's the fun in that?

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6 Name: Owl : 2015-02-07 14:56 ID:95n1qRKE [Del]

Life isn't something that others tell you, you have to figure it out yourself. If you like to think, thats good, even if you don't like doing it then you are still diong it. So why not give thinking a try. Since you seem interested in understanding how others do it, why not try psychology, you can put your thinking into philosophy or something as well.

7 Name: Daydream : 2015-02-07 16:14 ID:JRsGsddK [Del]

Passion is like love. For some people it is love on first sight, but for most, it grows slowly (but strong). It is also very emotional. Since you are a thinker, I'm gonna assume you are not a very emotional person. Why not work on that? Train yourself to be more emotional. (eg by stopping and thinking about what you feel about what is in front of you) lol I sound like a hippie. It works though! Manipulate your own brain into passion! Keep on telling yourself you like this or this and it will come. (I'm living proof in progress)
Another question: Do you want to excell in something? Do you want a challenge?
I like that your questions grasp you a lot already :D It's a good start, now only the happy part of passion and you can be there (You have to decide for yourself when you are there, since passion can be great and small both).
Take a break from usual life; go travelling, move to a new city, make&do a bucket list, whatever. Just get a shock to get you out of your routine and you might find interesting stuff!

8 Name: Seed : 2015-02-07 16:28 ID:2N5hApGU [Del]

Travel and see the world, meet people from other cultures and read this book:

Good luck!

9 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-02-07 18:06 ID:YMS3G6E4 [Del]

That's definitely quite the life you're living. If you feel you are suffocating in that bubble, just remember the bubble will pop someday. And you rather have it pop when it's closer to the ground than when your high up somewhere. Otherwise you might fall down very hard.

10 Name: Yugen!UhQ.rlWWhw : 2015-02-07 18:28 ID:2gJG/Ke6 [Del]

Your questions are good, and I'm very similar. I'm younger than you though. My first step (and so far the most productive) was learning about myself. Take a little bit of time daily to yourself and learn yourself. Ask questions. Look for answers. Think about space, then ask what things in your head affect the way you got to that conclusion about whatever exoplanet you like. Think, and ask.

I don't have a drive either, nothing internal anyhow.

And when you find an aswer to any single one, rejoice, because those are difficult to come by. I've been trying for a whole year and only have a handful.

srsly tho brah good luck

11 Name: JOKER : 2015-02-07 20:18 ID:W0Qviz0H [Del]

You say you don't understand why people love thing what them were doing? What is LIVE? How can I 'Enjoy' the life?
Make Friend.Not to many.Just one friend.Because a little thing like that, can change everything of your life. Believe me.
*Note : Please find a friend that change you to a good thing.Take your time to search.


12 Name: Nymeria : 2015-02-07 22:34 ID:lS8op3Z+ [Del]

Hummm this may sound a bit romantic, but have you ever thought about taking a trip by yourself? I've met a guy last month who spent some time in Argentina by himself and he told me some things about his trip. He stayed in a country town near some mountains, while studying International Affairs. He stayed at the house of a local family, and the woman who hosted him was a headmistress at a local constructivist school for small children, where he worked as an assistent to pay his own bills. Thing is, he knew nothing about living in a countryside, nothing about dealing with children, he was far away from home, putting his things together, making his own way. And that was a huge life changing experience for him. At that school he had to do things like chopping wood for the fireplaces that kept the classrooms warm, and were the children themselves who taught him. He said he learned more from them than them from him. He hasn't found his passion, however. He's studying International Affairs because it gives him a large perspective about the world he lives in and how it works, but he has no intentions on working on anything directly related to it. But anyway, the way he sees the world has changed. The way he sees himself has changed. The way he sees his whole life has changed. And he came back home happy as hell.

I'm not saying you should do the exactly same thing, even because it's impossible for you to share the same experience and each person is each person. What I'm trying to say it that maybe taking a trip like this, finding a job, studying something that teaches you more about the world and the people (like filosophy, for example), all this things may open yourself to something. It's a great step out of your bubble and a chance of getting to know yourself a bit more. New air, new places, new people, maybe this is what you need. I understand your situation specially because you are stucked in your small world, living always the same routine, and these things won't help you at all at this point.

I know it's not exactly an easy solution, it takes money and it takes time, but still it's easier than just "make a friend", out of the blue. You can't just go trying to find some friends like you look to the floor trying to find some lost coins. But the world is there, and the world is huge. I'm sure that you'll find yourself in some part of it.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-08 13:13 ID:5Rt8/NGj [Del]


This is surprisingly good advice. I think I should heed this one day.

14 Name: Daydream : 2015-02-08 16:54 ID:JRsGsddK [Del]

Is it? It seems more like a temporary solution. Thining is hard and drives you mad, but is it just bliss youvare looking for? I dont think it is folly to be wize. Just stop being so serious about thinking. I guess doubting is different from thinking. Stop doubting so much? Instead of stop thinking so much