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why are there bullies (10)

1 Name: mrGTL1997 : 2015-02-04 15:07 ID:HYlk8IMD [Del]

I have been teesed and messed around by idiots who think im just another stupid kid its frustrateing and it feels like now I cant trust anyone anymore cus I think they might say something behind my back which would cause anger to bulid inside me and I cant relese it any where so that anger is just building and it has been even till this day and it wont be long until I explode on someone

2 Name: Megarame : 2015-02-04 15:14 ID:hrk3tFcp [Del]

There are always bullies, sadly. They're usually just insecure people, who's only way to cope with it is to make sure they're life is better than other people's by forcing others to have worse times.

Sadly, I've only got the standard advice, ask help from adults if it gets too much, and try not to let it phase you. They'll get bored and stop if they don't get reactions from you.

Sorry :(

3 Name: Chrome : 2015-02-04 16:35 ID:XPJ77AN4 [Del]

Like Megarame said, if you won't show any reactions they'll let go. I know something about it since I've had problems with bullies since my elementary school (I'm in High School now) and it always works :)

4 Name: ItsYoBoiii : 2015-02-04 18:52 ID:8w1F1SVk [Del]

You can kick there ass though your more likely to get in trouble for it.

5 Name: Megarame : 2015-02-05 03:53 ID:zJiQtpf7 [Del]


When I was bullied in school (this was like aged 9), I stole my bullies shoes and filled them with water. Literally no idea why I thought that was a good idea, and I got into trouble.

6 Name: Kanra !LpuUw35lcQ : 2015-02-05 04:01 ID:w5EJZzK6 [Del]

I know how you feel, but trust me, hate is not worth it. Hatred requires too much energy, too much passion, for it to be given to bullies
See, I was bullied in Student Council. Ignored, teased, glared at by these girls. I hated them. It was awful.
Then one day I looked around. I saw the group of girls all huddled together, smiling and giggling. Perhaps they were talking about me; perhaps not.
But I just... it was like the anger just melted into sadness, regret.
I wondered who they were, really, as people.
I wondered if they had any clue as to how much they hurt me.
I wondered how things would be different if we were friends.
I wondered what their favorite color was, what music they liked, what their families were like, what made them happy.
I wondered, and I looked around and saw so many people whose joys I would never share in and whose sorrows I could never lessen.
I wondered what made the girls act like they did, what happened in their life that made them like this.
And I was sad.
I was sad because for that moment I fully grasped the magnitude of the fact that they were actual people with lives and dreams and insecurities that made them do to me what they did; I realized how small a part I play in their life and that I must let them play only a small part in mine.
I don't hate anymore. Not people, anyway. Concepts (like racism and homophobia) I hate and I fight against with all my might, but people, individuals, I pity. I pity and regret the fears that led to them doing what they do.

I don't know if that made any sense, but it's just how I feel. We all go through our own struggles; we've all used someone or lied to someone or hurt someone at one point, whether or not it was a conscious decision to do so. Also, please do not self-reflect after being bullied, as you may begin to blame yourself. It was not your fault, you are fine and perfect and special and important; it was the fault of those who hurt you and those who hurt them.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but one final thing I will say is kill them with kindness. If they flat up insult you, reply with a compliment; it confuses them, and it's pretty funny to watch. Otherwise, approach them directly. "Hey, ______, I heard you talking about me behind my back, and I just want to say I'm really disappointed, I thought you were better than that." and walk away.
I know it's hard to trust again, but try giving the benefit of the doubt and learn to cut away the "weeds." If not, fake it 'til you make it. I swear this works, just tell yourself (or someone else) something positive each day/hour/week/whatever goal you set, and slowly it starts feeling better.

Just wonder about people. Think of who they are, of all those little things you may never know about. Be kind to them, even if they aren't kind to you; often it's the people who act the most confident who are the most terrified of us all.
Give of yourself without giving yourself; paying it forward with small gestures could do more help than you think, but don't let the world consume you, you owe it nothing. Change yourself and change others; find the good in people, but don't let them abuse you in the name of this goodness; cut from your life those who cannot teach you or will not benefit you. See how humanity struggles as a whole to find perfection; don't look at the terrorists and bullies, look at the survivors and victims and bystanders who become leaders for change.

We grow; we change; we survive. We are all living and breathing and existing and that alone is a miracle. I know it hurts; I know they hurt you. You are suffering, and they are, too. Be the better person; be the change you want to see in them. Some small, unearned kindness goes a long way, and in the end kindness costs a whole lot less than hatred.

7 Name: X : 2015-02-08 18:40 ID:GFKSnXdn [Del]

The idea that bullies are insecure is a fallacy.

It's actually been shown that bullies are more or less sadists who enjoy dominating another person.

8 Name: Megarame : 2015-02-09 03:19 ID:zJiQtpf7 [Del]


You got any sauce to go with this post?

9 Name: Kanra !LpuUw35lcQ : 2015-02-09 04:12 ID:w5EJZzK6 [Del]

That sadism comes from somewhere though. It's a mental scar left from some trauma; either they were ignored, hurt or dominated in someway that leads to them becoming sadistic.
I'f you're claiming most bullies are sadistic without any mental scars to cause it, that's utter bullshit (pardon my saying so). Some might be, but those people are probably somewhere along the anti-social spectrum, which is a mental illness, not just being evil for the sake of it.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-09 10:34 ID:ksQix2MQ [Del]

>>9 Yeah, I was going to say pretty much exactly this. They don't just get born wanting to hurt people, or at least not all or most of them I can't imagine.