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well idk (5)

1 Name: Blank Artist : 2015-02-03 09:36 ID:h/iLddUW [Del]

Well new here. First no intro thread.
BTW my English is not the best xD semester I start university. I don't feel prepare and I'm scare of ruining my future . I know its a moment when you have to make lots of changes and choices but somehow I don't feel so ready. I want to study something related to art. Example : game art, computer animation or graphic design. Theres always the kind of people who tell me I should study something that will leave me lots of money. I don't see myself studying anything else. I take art really serious and I even take 3 classes of art apart from school . Im trying not to give up about it. I just hope everything goes well. Thinking about the future makes me really depress because still I'm not sire what I'm going to do. Regrets is something I don't want to have . idk if this has happen to others. But My dollars friends study what you like not what other tell you too. To have a happy life just study what makes you happy. At least that's what I have in my mind .

2 Name: Chrome : 2015-02-03 09:48 ID:XPJ77AN4 [Del]

I would say "study the thing that'll make you satisfied" but you already wrote that xD

3 Name: Kirin : 2015-02-03 09:49 ID:m0qyLj22 [Del]

if you study all that you can make games which can get you a lot of money just think about how much games now days sell for and you have an imagination right so you can make whatever you want not only that if you do art look at museums they have famous art that people know them for and the artist's name so if you ever did that your art and memory would live on forever as a great legacy yet something others could appreciate

4 Name: Bells : 2015-02-03 09:51 ID:/vf5aG5A [Del]

Hi I know how you feel. I'm in my first year of university right now and I went through the same thing when picking something to do. I was also worried about my future and people also told me to pick something that gives good pay. It is good to follow your passion and I am happy that your are choosing to do this. What I did was i researched on how to make my passion profitable. (I'm doing Psychology BTW). Try to research ways you can make money with art. One example is advertising if you are interested in making something for someone>

5 Name: JunkMonk99 : 2015-02-03 09:56 ID:iXg+Qp1M [Del]

I'm in my second year at my university now and have met people interested in different majors and life styles. A lot of people will say to do something in math or comp sci to make money but as a Theater major myself I think you should take a manifold of classes and see what you like and don't like. You can always change majors down the road and at my school you don't declare until second year anyway. You seem to know what you want for the most part and so did I so my advice is to do what makes you happy and see where it goes. You'll never know if you don't try.