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Girly problems~ (7)

1 Name: MinZ : 2015-02-02 19:05 ID:yDWA7o6r [Del]

So, not too far ago I started liking a boy from our school. Well, I'm actually the shy type of girl, while he's all cool and stuff. Whatever, I had a little accident this month, and the whole school knew about it. Thanks to that, I managed to talk to this guy, and we used to talk everyday for one or two weeks, but after everything changed back. Sometimes he still teases me, but actually every time he talks to me, I'm just trying to ignore him, not because I really want to, I just want to know if he would talk to me like he did before. So... what do you think? Is it good if I try to ignore him, or how should I react when he's teasing me? I'm not really good when it comes to boys, sorry.
Thanks for your help.

2 Name: Tokachi : 2015-02-02 23:42 ID:NxQgqW5A [Del]

Well, being a guy myself I hope I can help. This could play out one of two ways. One he could see you are not interested and stop teasing you from time to time and not talk to you at all, that's playing hard to get gone wrong. Second you could tell this boy how you feel but by doing this it could ruin what you have, that's being honest gone wrong. Now there are bright sides to these two ways of acting, like he could chase you if you play hard to get and then that means he likes you back. Or of course you tell him you like him and he likes you back and happily ever after. If you want my opinion. Interact with him but not too much. Show you are interested, and if you have patients. He will tell you he likes you. Hopefully.

3 Name: Tokachi : 2015-02-03 17:27 ID:NxQgqW5A [Del]

I wanted to make sure you saw this Minz
Bump ^

4 Name: deadlockOverride : 2015-02-03 17:46 ID:KibUmWAF [Del]

Don't expect things to go the way you want if you aren't going to take action.

5 Name: miruku : 2015-02-03 18:58 ID:/BNXFQ9h [Del]

you have to take action for what you want to happen, he's not just gonna know that you want him to talk to you. if you want to get close again talk to gain and you'l gain it in time.

6 Name: Nekoyama : 2015-02-03 19:30 ID:TAIhDjKu [Del]

I think you should try herd to tell him how you feel and if you can't then type it on your cell and show it to him that's what I did and. Some how it worked for me I know that things that work for some people may not work for others but try your best you'll never know till you try I'm sorry if I seem pushy but I'm on your side and I will be rooting for you all the way =^_^=

7 Name: MinZ : 2015-02-11 14:18 ID:yDWA7o6r [Del]

Sorry-sorry guys, I couldn't check stuff on my pc for a while, but now I'm here with some infos c:
Actually we talked a lot since then, but I still wouldn't even call it a friendship. However, he often shows signs of being interested, but not too much. He also stopped teasing me since I told him that I hate it, so we can talk somewhat normally, but I'm pretty unsure about how could I handle ot because I just can't be patient. My friend said she would write him a letter with my name for Valentines day, and I know she would really do it, but I can't decide if I like that idea or not.
Thanks for your advice and I hope you won't mind if I'm going to ask you again and again, I really need help from others often, sorry.╭(╯ε╰)╮