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life (11)

1 Name: Red : 2015-01-31 21:57 ID:zjZQfo5L [Del]

theres this girl, and she keeps giving me a look, and i cant tell if its good or bad, and every time i want to talk to her she's surrounded by friends, plus im just akward in general so, any suggestions?

2 Name: SomeGalicianGuy : 2015-01-31 23:21 ID:Wqewj+VG [Del]

Do you know any of her friends? Maybe you won't feel as awkard if you are with someone who also knows her, someone that can be with you while you talk with her. The worst thing you can do is keep overthinking things and don't do anything, so grow some balls ^^. I see it like this (as some random person on the Internet that doesn't actually know anything about the situation or about you), you have two options:
-1. talk to her and find out if you have something in common or if it was just a crush.
-2. forget about her / regret never actually meeting her.

3 Name: Red : 2015-02-01 12:03 ID:zjZQfo5L [Del]

the problem isn't courage, we use to be friends way back when, but we just dont talk any more... i dont know, im probably just being a pussy about this

4 Name: deadlockOverride : 2015-02-02 17:21 ID:KibUmWAF [Del]

Just know that NOT talking t her isn't going to solve your problem.

5 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-02-03 07:48 ID:hF4vFulu [Del]

>>1 I had a girl I high school who kept giving me a look. Every time I looked at her, which was often when she was around, she would give me this dirty look that seriously made me feel like I was some kind of unclean peasant, utterly beneath her, somehow violating her with my gaze.

On the other hand, she generally seemed nice. She was friendly towards everyone, quiet and studious, but not overly introverted. And she'd never said anything bad to me. Or good. In fact, I can't recall ever speaking to her at all, although I did see her around often, occasionally even hanging around on the outskirts of her social group. I guess I kinda regret it now. Admittedly, I had a bit of a crush on her, one of those rather passive attractions that you don't really think about too much, but still bothers you a touch when you find out that she's going out with someone, and I didn't even know the girl.

But that's not what bothers me now at all. What really gets me is that I'm not really sure what that fucking look was about. Did she just have a really serious face when not making an expression, or did she really hate me so much that I was pissing her off just by making eye contact?

Anyway OP, if you want to take anything away from this, what I'm trying to say is talk to the girl and find out what's up. If you don't, it'll annoy you later.

6 Name: Chrome : 2015-02-03 09:43 ID:XPJ77AN4 [Del]

>>1 Well.. I'm a girl so I may help you with understanding the meaning of that look.
There are many possibilities but regarding on >>3 it may be the fact she's not pleased by the fact, you stopped talking to her. I know something about this... Since when you were friends it can hurt when you just stop talking to each other. It's like being abandoned...
Buuut... If it was her who stopped talking to you, then the look probably means "guilt"

7 Name: Kirin : 2015-02-03 09:53 ID:m0qyLj22 [Del]

I agree with Chrome she would be a good person to ask I personally think
plus she is a girl what better opportunity to get knowledge about girls then from a girl herself or women sorry Chrome since I don't know your age haha know those post about feeling awkward well this is my awkward moment lol but yea id ask Chrome if I was you

8 Name: Chrome : 2015-02-03 10:21 ID:XPJ77AN4 [Del]

>>7 I'm 17, Kirin

9 Name: Red : 2015-02-04 08:04 ID:J24S6NYf [Del]

I think it may have to do with me getting the courage and keeping it until half-way and then losing it when her friends give me a dirty look of"i'll kill you in your sleep"

10 Name: Haiiro : 2015-02-04 08:16 ID:2rkW1AWg [Del]

did you have think you already good enough for that girl

11 Name: Red : 2015-02-04 10:12 ID:g0eFrfw1 [Del]

good point, also im kinda a seem like an asshole at first