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Friend Trouble (Because this always happens in life) (6)

1 Name: Faine : 2015-01-25 11:32 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

I am having trouble with my friend. Not the "we had an argument and now she's being a bitch" kind of trouble, but it does involve her boyfriend. For now, let's call her E and her boyfriend R.

E and R started dating each other last year, in eighth grade. They're the lovey-dovey type of couple that makes you feel as though you have to leave the room every time they enter. Ever since E started dating R, she's becoming obsessed over him. She would walk 10 miles to his house early in the morning to just sit outside and stare at his home (I know this, because she sent me a selfie of herself outside his house at 6 in the morning). She would be tardy to class because she would run all the way across the school to walk with R to his class before she goes to hers. It't not odd to see the two of them in the hallways together all throughout the day.

At first, I was find with it. I was happy for E, since R is her first boyfriend. I thought that as long as they're happy together, there's really not much to worry about. However, I now find their relationship to be annoying. E would not stop talking about him. It's always, "R and I did this", "R said this really funny thing today", "Me and R are going to this place". She's also becoming really rude towards me and her friends every time we say something about her relationship with R being a little bit "too much". E would just tell us that she's in love, she's mature enough to know what she's doing and her choices, and that we don't understand her loving relationship because we don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. When she said that, all of us were just like "Fine. Whatever." and just leave her at that. At least for a while.

Then E started showing up at school with hickeys on her neck, showing them off like some sort of medal. We told her to hide it with makeup or something, and she says, "I am, but people would just see it anyway. It's nothing big. If they want to see or stare at is, let them". She even started telling others about her..uh.."Night Time Adventures" with R (in other words, sex stories). But the worst thing is that E started telling people that she thinks she's pregnant with R's child. When the principal got involved and was about to call their parents, E just told him that it was just a joke. However, she would later tell me and our friends that she really does believe that she's pregnant, since her "maternal instinct is one the rise".

What should I do? I'm really worried about E. Yeah, she can be a pain sometimes, but she's one of my oldest friends. I really want to help her. I tell her to break up with R, but she would just laugh at that. When I asked her what is she going to do with the baby (if she really does have one. I don't know if she does as of yet. She said that she hasn't been to the doctor, so I am just presuming that she does), her plan was: "Well my mom and I will just raise the baby, but R will be in it too since he's the dad. We're just going to raise the baby as though he or she is my sibling without telling it that I'm actually the mother until it's older". Basically, E will pretend to be the baby's sister and tell it the truth when it is older.

I..I don't even...okay.

Please give me some advice. I am more stressed out about this tan I need to be. What should I do? Should I intervene in some way, like telling an adult? Do I still stay friends with E?

Please help!

2 Name: Lililo : 2015-01-25 11:40 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

E is crazy. I think that you should stop being her friend. It's not gonna work out well in the end for her, so you might want to jump out of there before it ends bad for you too.

3 Name: Ginger : 2015-01-25 15:02 ID:/+b2Chu7 [Del]

Your friend is delusional, extremely delusional and them breaking up at this moment could be catastrophic. Lets say that she is pregnant well things are already terrible so I wont be going into that. Now if she is lying, she should stop like its ridiculous to just go around saying you might be pregnant. If E only talks her relationship with R then she completely relies on the guy and if they were to break up I wouldn't be surprised if she became depressed. I'm only saying these things because I've had friends like this and its never ended in a good way. My advice don't be friends with her people like her annoy me they don't have a real personality without someone else and that's tedious. Help her if you want but if she refuses you might as well let her ruin her life.

4 Name: Siobhan : 2015-01-25 15:45 ID:8cP1NC49 [Del]

I think that the best action is to tell an adult. If you do that you can ask the adult you are talking to that if she/he's going to talk to E about it, that he doesn't tell E you told him/her. If E still doesn't listen than i would evade her as much as possible because if she isn't willing to listen to an adult than it's her own problem and you shouldn't be dragged into it.

5 Name: sloaner : 2015-01-25 18:09 ID:ndNZOd9m [Del]

I have a feeling your friend is about to get a MAJOR wake-up call...

I have delt with E's type of person before- it is better for your own mental health to keep an arms length from her, even if she is one of your oldest friends. After all, the amount of time you've know someone doesn't dictate the quality of your relationship.

and also- do you know R at all? He could be counting down the days till he disappears and leaves E in the dust- or he could be a nice guy who just isnt prepared for a child---

6 Name: Faine : 2015-01-25 18:58 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

>>5 To be honest, I don't know him all that well. We have about two classes with each other, but R and I sit so far apart that we rarely speak. During lunch, E and R usually sit by each other at a separate table. From what I've seen so far about him is that he's a decent guy, but I don't know much about him as I should.