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is this relationship normal? (3)

1 Name: rogue : 2015-01-25 07:03 ID:nJfvWRX0 [Del]

I just heard the door bang 3 times very loud. I sat up and saw neither my sister & her boyfriend in the room. Im scared because they are argueing AGAIN.
-FLASHBACK (30 min.ago)
Just when my sister and i came home from shopping, the first thing she did was call her boyfriend. She asked him "why arent u coming?" And he was all "what? Ur home? U didnt tell me. Im practicing with my friends." (BTW he sleeps in our house because my sister wanted him to) "WHAT?! ur choosing them over me?! I cant believe it! We're breakng up." She hungs up and she called him again. But he didnt answer the first call.. he picked up on her second attempt. "WHY DIDNT U PICK UP UR PHONE!! WHERE R U! I CAN STILL MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND! IM SOO MAD AT U" (her bf is a dancer)she finally hung up.
Seriously!!!!! I blame my sister's boyfriend for being goddamn moody!!!! She wasnt like this.. until she net him. Because of my sister's being moody and all, my misery in school is no different from home. They say that home is where u feel safe. But no, im in hell held captive by satan's pawn. I feel like im falling into depression. The anger inside of me stacked up. I cant win against her.she always win in every argument. Sometimes she'll just say "you win, i give up" but i dont feel myself a winner because i know that she was just saying that to drop the argument. Well anyway, i was just asking if this "relationship" they are having, is it normal? Or should she just break up with him? Oh and BTW i am not a nosy lil sister, she just so happens to yelling very LOUDLY.

2 Name: Ginger : 2015-01-25 09:46 ID:PNwhuG1B [Del]

No, its not normal she seems to be really obsessive over him, I'm not sure why the guy hasn't broken up with your sister.

3 Name: Psycha : 2015-01-25 11:37 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

This is not normal at all. Your sister is too obsessed over him, and I don't think he's really all that crazy about her like she is about him.
In my opinion, they should break up. Being in a relationship means loving each other and seeing the others as your equal. What your sister is doing is treating him like she owns him with the way she is acting. If your sister doesn't listen to you, tell your parents or other people you trust. Maybe tell this to your most trustworthy friend, or convince your sister's friends to talk to her about this.