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Uneventful School Life? (4)

1 Name: Student : 2015-01-20 14:19 ID:mBgK6Jj+ [Del]

Hello! I'm not entirely sure whether this counts as a complaint. I just want to share my experience. My grades are descent and I have some close friends, but my school doesn't inspire much happiness. None of the clubs are particularly intriguing. Most of the members just join to put it on their transcripts. This wouldn't be much of a problem if school work didn't eclipse any free time outside of school hours.
Does anyone else somewhat feel this way? Any advice? Anything?
If you have nothing nice to say, please don't say anything at all. :P Thanks in advance?

2 Name: EvilKatBatGirl : 2015-01-20 15:20 ID:2kApI5ff [Del]

Yeah, school was like that when I literally didn't do anything. If you wanna be happy, go do something. Sitting around and waiting for something to happen won't make anything happen.
I speak from personal experience. I went from a dead-beat slacker with poor grades to a cheerleader with decent grades that's president of Manga Club. I had to seize the opportunity to become happy. I believe that's what you need to do as well. Go for something that you probably would never do. For me, that was assume leadership and gain responsibility to a team.

3 Name: sloaner : 2015-01-20 17:08 ID:+cU96jDG [Del]

I guess i'll share my experience too-

I get pretty good grades but other than that I feel like my life is so uneventful :p
I'm totally introverted at school, and only talk to a few people. I like having sites like this to chat with people ^_^
I actually do two sports at school but even then, i'm super shy to warm up to people in person. I wish my school had some sort of anime club, or really any club that wasn't just for college application.
I would say, if you are outgoing enough to open up to others its fun and worthwhile :)

4 Name: redman001!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-01-21 12:05 ID:9oWSDqhs [Del]

>>1 my experience i don't really have one,kind of,well for now i am a normal guy that has his friends,and prefers to do nothing basically.i try to study but it is kind of hard.maybe because i never was a good student or a normal one.i have been permanent excluded from a school(at least i am in a new school),din't care about too much,drinking,smoking etc.still i am trying to change ,i least is what i am trying too