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Autism (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-20 00:28 ID:Hfc4U4rJ [Del]

how can you tell if you have it?
is it bad if you do?

2 Name: BY5T4ND3R : 2015-01-20 03:23 ID:GRJgXcm9 [Del]

It's not really bad if you have it, Aspergers and Autism is nearly more a specific type of personality than it is a diagnosis. To recognise if you have aspergers or autism you can think of following.

1. Do I have one or a few things that I really really like and know pretty much everything about them but nothing about the about the things I'm not interested in and it's really hard to learn anything about them because lack of interest.

2. Do I have a hard time to read and understand my own or other peoples emotions? (around 80% of people with aspergers or autism has some form of Alexithymia)

3. We also have a tendency to call ourself aliens and simmilar because how we think of things in a more objective manner (not sure if that's the right description for this in english) but an example would be that if someone ask you if you can open the window you'd say "yes I can open the window" you wouldn't do it though because it was just a question.

4. We also tend to prefer talking in a more polite manner than most.
Well that's a few things you can question yourself but remember that this isn't something you shouldn't self diagnose. If you suspect that you have it make sure to meet someone with the proper authority

3 Name: BY5T4ND3R : 2015-01-20 03:40 ID:GRJgXcm9 [Del]

I just realised how wrongly I typed there. Sorry I meant "this isn't something you should self diagnose"

4 Name: Tanuki : 2015-01-20 14:07 ID:DFiz8Fvy [Del]

It isn't really a bad thing if you have it. Sure, there are various things people with aspergers/autism can misunderstand. Most people with it are really smart, though.

5 Name: Alloliza Ayi : 2015-01-20 14:22 ID:dTbATZtj [Del]

it's not a bad thing....i have autism...but i've outgrown so much that you could never tell that i do. but yes it brings alot of hard trials into your life....i've had no one to go to, no friends to hang out with....all of that until just this year. everyone treats you like you are some unknown creature that has done something to have people harbor and show hatred towards....because we a little different.

6 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-01-20 15:19 ID:VbPo6HKH [Del]

There will be a lot of extra garbage you have to deal with for a while until you get used to it. As a kid it's shit but it gets better over time when people care less.

Also, as >>2 mentioned you can't self-diagnose ASD, see someone for an assessment if you think you fit all the criteria.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-20 18:27 ID:Ck9J4GuO [Del]

Ok. Thank you all so much.