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Dealing With Drug Addicts (2)

1 Name: HeartbeaKnight : 2015-01-18 23:49 ID:gOztOXP7 [Del]

Last Wednesday I moved into a shelter for the homeless. Since then I've been staying up 19 hours a day because I can barely get any sleep while in the same room with meth and crack addicts. It constantly smells in the room and they're always up when I'm there. I think it's because of the crack. The lack of sleep is seriously starting to break me. I feel like I could cope with being homeless more if I had more sleep. I'm having suicidal thoughts and I don't know what to do. This is scary. How should I negotiate with a serious drug addict without getting hurt?

2 Name: Turtle-Chan : 2015-01-19 00:26 ID:AZrP20YZ [Del]

This is an obstacle in your life that you need to get through and I know that if you do hold on, there is a silver lining. If you are able to find light in this situation you will be set for life. The only weapon against life is acceptance.

Drug addicts, especially those who chose meth and crack, are particularly dangerous because they are unpredictable and paranoid. Just remember that drugs are their #1 and everything else, like negotiations, is secondary. So if you remember that, maybe you can come to some sort of agreement with them. Whatever you do don't get involved in their drug usage. It's like getting AIDS, you have it for the rest of your life.

If you can, get ear plugs...I think they might help considerably.

If you're feeling particularly bad, come on here and post. Someone will be around to help you. And if not, please check out some of the local hotlines.

Stray strong for me buddy. We humans have this amazing ability to adapt to any situation.