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is there something wrong ? (7)

1 Name: Rin : 2015-01-18 16:04 ID:3qNcy8/M [Del]

Is there something wrong with being homesexual or being lesbian? In my mind i think its normal.But my friends think that lesbians or homesexual people are not human they think they have different blood then us.They don't think about how many people try to commit suicide because their lesbians or homesexual.Or about the people who tell their parents that their gay or lesbian and they get kicked out of the house.
why do they think their some
thing wrong?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-18 16:24 ID:MKaQ7WJY [Del]

In my opinion I think you can have sexual relationships with anyone or anything as long as you're happy, and if your happy you shouldn't care about what others think about you.

3 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-18 16:59 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

it's your life it's no ones buissness what you like.what I think is who cares as long as your you and you happy (like what >>2 said)

4 Name: Akiraki : 2015-01-18 20:42 ID:245uGMcL [Del]

Unfortunately, We are at a growing stage as our world fights to keep old believes alive, and the coming of the new generations. I just hope those who believe that everyone has the right to Love who they want wins. If your kind to me, I'll be kind to you.

5 Name: The Crowing !POMN4bNBZs : 2015-01-18 21:36 ID:0ThTHtXR [Del]

^ This. Akiraki the Sage. There are many people in our world who are narrow-minded simpletons, brainwashed or just dicks. To these people you just say fuck off when they spout their beliefs at you, because you have a right to love whoever you damn well like. Your friends might believe that, but you can educate them and make them see that we're all just human beings, we just label ourselves and this somehow makes us fundamentally different. If they're not willing to accept you despite their beliefs, then they aren't truly your friends. Stay strong.

6 Name: Turtle-Chan : 2015-01-19 00:36 ID:AZrP20YZ [Del]

It's been proven that homosexuals are no different from heterosexuals. It's like being born with brown hair or blue eyes. Something people can't control. Who would choose to be gay in an environment where they can be kicked out of their houses and assaulted?

In my opinion, people are conditioned to function as a cohesive unit or survival. Some say that 80% of society needs to be conformist in order for the society to survive and stay balanced. Differences are scary. What we do not understand, we fear, we attack, we repel. We don't have to do this however, we are more intelligent now and we don't have to be threatened by different views, values, characteristics or ways of life.

7 Name: Trust : 2015-01-19 09:24 ID:N3on09RQ [Del]

Trust me, there is absolutley nothing wrong with them. They have not done anything wrong. The world can be a cruel place but it is our job as a part of the Dollars to make those people feel welcome to our world. To remind them of Celtys words 'the world isn't as bad as you think'.