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What is emo? (28)

1 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-18 15:08 ID:Sc+qeKcL (Image: 189x267 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1421615310810.jpg: 189x267, 16 kb
Ok so i'm a little tired of this stuff.
So people say emo's are cutter's. Right?
Emo=style, music type (softer rock/scream)
Emo's are not gothic, they don't cut themselves, or like being depressed.
Well sort~a I will admit there are a few emo's who live with these but not all of them are like that.
And for a record they don't follow the devil
But some do. but that doesn't mean we all do.
another note I see people try to act emo with out knowing anything. like they think of the rumors. And how do you think it feels having people call you a demonic cutter because you emo?
Not good! Here are a few great example's of how it feels (Note:these are sterio type's I found I am just listing few I have no feeling towards them my idea is that everyone is the same.No different just where all people)
1:Red-necks are stupid and wear plad and love getting drunk.
2:all Asians are smart at math
3:Everyon from texas wears a big hat and eats nothing but meat
4:african American' all swear, carry guns and like to get in to fights
5:Emo's cut themselves
6:Red heads are evil
7:Blonds are stupid
8:popular kids only care about themselves like in the movies
9:all teen girls say "Oh my gosh whatever?!"
10:Nerds are horriable at sports

There are just a few that I have heared of or seen online.
I think these are all stupid and to me I think you are who you are no one is labeled.
If I have insulted anyone please forgive me but this is how it feels when you call a emo kid a cutter.
It's not fair and hurtful
And not all emo kids are wimps they look skinny and weak but like not all American's are fat pigs not all emo's are weak. a lot of them are tuff from tons of fights from there past and some can knock people flat for making fun of them.
But some will do nothing about it.
Just know when you bullie someone for being different or call them names
A:you mite get you a** kicked
b:It can lead to reckless actions
c:You will question yourself "Why are you doing?:

Not just emo's anyone can get made fun of so kep that in mind I was just covering emo's because that is what I see happen a lot more often.

Last but not least I know how people are some will read this and start calling me names. but I don't really care I didn't write this to make fun of anyone I just made this s people can see what some of the truth is. And i'm happy that I wrote this and i'm happy to be who I am. so I don't take affense to it. but if you want to make fun of me or mock me think befor you do is it REALLY going ot help you if I don't care?

2 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-18 18:48 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

aging sorry if insulted anyone that was not the purpose of this thread

3 Name: Akiraki : 2015-01-18 20:23 ID:245uGMcL [Del]

I agree with you. People shouldn't be classified by stereo types. It's really rude and presumptuous to say every emo is a cutter or devil worshiper.
Sadly, Common Sense ran away. Please don't just dump people into a group with out knowing anything about its origins.

4 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-18 20:28 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>3 I like the way you talk -w- you said it in less words and made more sence cool.

5 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-18 21:42 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>3 i'm in a chat if you want to's called Emo N.T.S.K
N=Not T=The S=Sterio K=Kind

6 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-19 10:05 ID:Sc+qeKcL (Image: 320x180 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

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7 Name: sid : 2015-01-19 11:20 ID:sB+2pagF [Del]

Oh man this is pretty funny. First of all most emos I've known did follow the stereotypes. Only they tried to act depressed by whining all the time. They always remind me of the vamp kids in south park. Also I associated myself with the Goths while wearing emo pants. Just most of the emos I knew were fake and whined all the time.

8 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-19 11:31 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>7 that is funny. I always see the fakes. not many real people like me out there. but then aging how can they know the truth with out someone to teach them?

all well.....we call these posers Wanna be emo's. because the real ones hate being labled emo (most of them)

9 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-01-19 11:32 ID:eo02e5Vw [Del]

Sorry but I have to post this -

10 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-19 11:38 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>9 --_-- ok then........even thou it's music and style. ok then

11 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-01-19 12:42 ID:eo02e5Vw [Del]

>>10 you might be a bit more surprised most people are a lot nicer then you think they are, plus being emo, goth, geek, or what ever group you are apart of is fine, because just about every want to be part of a group/tribe/clan they can fit in with it's part of Human nature wanting to be part of something bigger then them self's just as long as you're not spreading hate it's fine.

12 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-19 19:17 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>11 I see your point but let's keep this thread alive for all the young like us who need this information to help guide them and keep them from hurting themselves thinking all emo's are cutter.
and instead keep them on a straight path.

SO if you see this thread even if you don't care please Bump WE NEED THIS TO STAY ALIVE!!

13 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-20 05:31 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

Bump ^w^

14 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-01-20 07:43 ID:eo02e5Vw [Del]

>>12 aye the cutting thing has nothing to do with being emo, some people are masochists someone who enjoys pain by cutting them self, They can even get off on it. Some people just like to cut themselves because they are depressed. When you cut yourself, your body releases endorphins ( hormones that make you feel good.) Usually, cutters use this as a form of release to make themselves have a feel good "high."

In other words it has been going on way before people came up with the new social group called emos or and goth or any other group, it's likely due to some kind of hormone chemical imbalance within some individuals who are part of the same group I,e emos which leads to others thinking that all emos cut them self's.

It's just as Touasuk said it is stereotyping a group of people for a small group individuals actions with in a larger social group.

15 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-20 17:37 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>14 thanks

16 Name: Somniare : 2015-01-21 07:31 ID:NmAtDuRV [Del]

Emo and goth are just a fashion style, no? THey aren't lifestyles. That's what a friend said, and they're goth. Well she dresses with a gothic style. She likes all kinds of music and she says that her gothic style has nothing to do with the way she acts or lives, or anything. She says it's just a fashion style, just like it was a long time ago. I could be wrong, but that's what she says.

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-01-21 12:06 ID:4CgXsI09 [Del]

>>16 Sorry but you are wrong, being an Emo or a Goth or what ever is more of a being part of a social group or and finding you're identity.

Basically being with other people who share the same kinds of interests as you do, and wearing similar or same styling of clothing helps to be part of them social groups I,e emos, goths, geeks, Preps, Jocks, Punks, you get the idea, and just wearing those closes is not enough.

19 Name: deadlockOverride : 2015-02-02 17:25 ID:KibUmWAF [Del]

This kind of misconception rises because the twelve year olds do a bad imitation. Kind of like weebs.

20 Name: !!LTL6hFw4 : 2015-02-04 01:55 ID:KAGgDWKu (Image: 460x276 jpg, 36 kb) [Del]

src/1423036521476.jpg: 460x276, 36 kb
This is emo you fucking plebeians

You're all just a bunch of glam rock knock off wanks.
Fuck everyone ITT honestly.
Fucking hate children.

21 Name: Miruku : 2015-02-04 06:28 ID:VqWCMqNA [Del]

Honestly "emo" is just a label for people who listen to rock and wear black with few colors and I don't know why you're so offended by it really you can choose to ignore those statements. You're giving those people the power to upset and irritate you. Do you really want that?

22 Name: Haiiro : 2015-02-04 08:18 ID:2rkW1AWg [Del]

i don't care about emo

23 Name: Kirin : 2015-02-04 11:42 ID:m0qyLj22 [Del]

try not to be rude this is the Dollars if someone post their feelings or mood I think you should only post if you want to help them not to insult them like seriously come on.

24 Name: Kanra !LpuUw35lcQ : 2015-02-06 03:54 ID:w5EJZzK6 [Del]

So you're all kind of wrong and all kind of right, from my own personal experience.

"Emo" and "Goth" are styles, as in aesthetics and music, not lifestyles! "Emo" in a lifestyle would be the stereotype, so it's just a category grouping oneself with other who enjoy the same clothes and genre.

Obviously one's enjoyment of these things is derived from his/her/zhir personality, so there is a certain element that seems like a lifestyle, but the two are different things.

Lifestyle choices are things like "groupie," "punk," "rocker," etc., in which actual behaviors are altered. i.e. Groupies (in it for the people) follow bands obsessively, attend tons of concerts, etc; punks (in it for the ideology) are rebellious, enjoy concerts (can someone say mosh pit?), etc; rockers (in it for the music) drift around to follow their dreams, know a good deal about music and genres and concert etiquette, etc.

I like MCR and wear black, so I'm emo (sorry for how generic it is, but it's true). I agree with their ideals and go to concerts, so I'm punk.
Yes, there is some overlap between these things, as punks do have a distinct taste in fashion and music (giving the term both a style and a lifestyle), but the difference is how thinking is changed to match with the group. A lifestyle affects your life choices; to call emo or goth lifestyles means that there are life choices that are changed, such as cutting or depression, which is the exact thing you were trying to say was false.
Punk is unique in that it is both a style and a lifestyle.
Emo is simply stylistic, or else it would lend truth to the rumors of its people being Satanists. Its music has certain characteristics, but these things rarely affect actual life choices and actions among its fans.
Goth is widely misunderstood, as it is a genre ranging from Victorian-era literature to modern music, and many things in-between. It is a style, but has some small ideals attached to it.
Now, these types are usually all found in the same social group (Kaisuke was kind of wrong and kind of right): I'm hardcore punk with a love of all things gothic; my friend is emo but is a mathlete by nature; another friend is punk but dislikes certain aspects of emo things. And that's just naming a few. These things have similarities, making them all related in a way, and so social groups made up of these types have a common interest. It's not at all true that "just wearing the clothes isn't enough." If you like those clothes, then you have something in common. Maybe you both like kittens as well; that's how friendships and social groups are formed, it's not people acting alike or thinking the same way about things.

Anyway, Miruku hit the nail on the head. There are some emos/goths who are all about death and mortality and blahblahblah. Who cares? Honestly, what's the point? If someone says "oh look at the emo" because of what you're wearing, isn't that the point? If you don't like the 12yo posers who don't know what emo really is, don't hang out with them.

As for !!LTL6hFw4, you fucking idiot those are rockers, not emos. They have the aesthetic of every other goddamn indie band and their music delves into the realm of emo, but they are more indie/alternative than anything. Go fuck yourself; everyone else was relatively fucking civil and now you're all "fuck everyone/fucking hate children"? You're an asshole and an idiot; whether a lifestyle or clothing choice I think everyone can agree that an emo's defining characteristic is their CLOTHING CHOICE, so NOT that indie shit you posted. We are talking about emo as it pertains to social groups, not the genre of music you daft bimbo. If you "fucking hate children" then get your senile ass off this site, as you can't even keep up with the conversation or respond in a civil fucking manner. (Hopefully now you understand fully how ignorant you sounded, and I hope that even if you disagree with someone else in the future you can provide your opinion without needing to be an absolute jackass about it. Your post was uncalled for and arrogant, and did nothing whatsoever to prove your point.)

25 Name: Aniko : 2015-02-06 07:15 ID:xPTGu1yY [Del]

I hate to be rude, but this art is of Nico DiAngelo from the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series. He was born around the 1930s and is the son of Hades, so his powers deal with the dead.

The artist isn't trying to make light of people that are emo or goth, etc., it's just art of a character who literally can raise the dead.

26 Name: midnight : 2015-02-06 08:20 ID:X/NL4G9/ [Del]

thats defiantly nico i love the percy jackson series

27 Name: Luz : 2015-02-06 11:04 ID:Q8gNLqZB [Del]

how ironic

28 Name: sloaner : 2015-02-06 13:05 ID:+cU96jDG [Del]

>>6 Andy is Bae

people called me emo when i had white hair and i literally responded "actually i'm not really emotional- Maybe you should reconsider your word choice"