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What should I do? (9)

1 Name: Izaya Heiwajima : 2015-01-16 19:34 ID:XYeiK5oP [Del]

So.. this boy I like. I finally became his friend. And now I know where he sisits in the morning because I saw him a few days ago. I'm usu ally a nerd and like to be at ny classes early, so--
yeah. But he sits down on a lunch table with his friends. Now. Heres my problem. I want to approach this boy and his friends and ask if I may sit with them. But I don't know how exactly. I mean. I'm shy as hell. Very shy. Really shy. I'm planning on acting as if I'm Sora from the KinKingdom Hearts series. But every time I see him, I get so scared and shy and stuff. I usually Studder alot and don't know what to say.

I honestly would LOVE to make more friends because I literally have ababsolutely none. Only him. But I feel like a both. Like an annoyance to him. I don't know what to do. Somebody help me... please...

2 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-16 20:03 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

so I have some adive I got a little ahead in my plan thou.
First make friends with someone who sits at his table
2:ask if u can sit with new friend
3:don't act like u like person kinda ignore him
4:casually talk to the group but don't act like ur interested in him like if there talking about something u know get in there
5:then at times show you have a aliitle amount of intrest.
6:you will slowly form a bond trust me i'm still at step 4

If you need help with the whole shy thing ask I can help
hell I cried because I ot a bad grade infront of my dad and! I couldn't look at my teachers while they spoke to me I don't even raise my hand in class I think i'll puke.

anyway! need help on the shyness I can help groups are really easy to talk to trust me i'll trust you if you trust me

3 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-17 00:33 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

I suggest asking him ahead of time, maybe during an earlier class. If you're friends, you're at least on a talking basis, right? :o "Hey, can I join you guys during lunch?" He might say that his friends would have an issue with it, though, in which case it's probably for your own good (i.e., they might be really rude about it). It's better to find that out ahead of time than to barge right into the group.

4 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-17 00:36 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

And for the love of god, don't act like an anime/game character when you get to the table.

There's a reason otakus in Japan don't mention their obsession with shit like that to friends or people they're dating unless it's a serious relationship. You can and probably will get judged hardcore.

5 Name: ____ : 2015-01-17 11:03 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

Number 4 is sorta of right. But maybe you should talk to him outside his group of friends to find out about some of his interest. That way when you ask to sit there you'll know what they like to talk about and maybe catch on in a conversation. But don't talk to him every minute you see him, be cool and keep your distance. I also suggest at the same time trying to make more friends, your a sweet girl, you will have no problem.

6 Name: ____ : 2015-01-17 11:05 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

Oh, and just be yourself.

7 Name: a passer by : 2015-01-17 12:34 ID:yuOMkdhm [Del]

i know it easy say it than do it and it can soun a bit cruel but if you ont take a step nothing will happend just go one day that you see him alone a try to speak of the day the class or some thing and ask him about himself and talk about you then everythi ng will happen in its own

8 Name: Izaya Heiwajima : 2015-01-17 21:07 ID:XYeiK5oP [Del]

>>5 Thank you.. to all of you.. oh and ____. I'm a Pansexual male. Ahaha. ^^;

9 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-18 00:40 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

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