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do i deserve it? (13)

1 Name: phyci orihara : 2015-01-15 19:24 ID:Xvo2RjDX [Del]

so i meet this guy and we became good friends, then he started dating my best friend and i was cool with it but then he dumped her so he can go out with me. i was happy at first but he dumped me. me and my best friend promised each other not to date him but she broke the promise today and i just feel like i'm........broken .what do you guys think i should do

2 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-15 19:43 ID:GCOVk3Fr [Del]

>>1 NUMBER 1: The best advice any adult can give to you...

Cut drama out of your life.

It's just like "spring cleaning" your Facebook so that only people you give a damn about surround you.

You can do the same thing in real life, because guess what? This guy sounds like an asshole, he will likely dump your friend again and who is your friend going to push all her baggage on to?
You in the midst of whatever is going on with your life at the moment.
You could be having a fairly good day, but her poor choices and depression will likely drag your mood like a sinking anchor.

If you think this is too "severe", then lemme give you a story.
I had a good friend in high school; she was sweet, persistent, and understanding.
But she was also a habitual liar.
I gave condoms to her once as a gag gift and she actually used them.
And when her parents found the used box, she said they were from me (which is true), but she said that I had already given them to her half empty...
Her FATHER...was my TEACHER.
And even when I tried explaining to him what happened and that she lied, and that it was a gag gift, he called me a "whore".
We didn't talk for weeks afterwards, but after she apologized so many times I thought, her friends should forgive and forget, right?


She lied to me again about her dad threatening to rape her, and how she couldn't tell her mother, about how she did tell her mother, but oh wait she didn't tell her mother, actually he didn't try to rape her he was just drunk, oh no now he's physically abusive, but no she can't tell anyone because she desperately want to go to this Mormon university in UTAH that needs a Mormon (her Dad) to be a reference to her religion.
After all that drama was done, she told me how she couldn't wait to start fucking boys in college.

I deleted her Facebook, her Skype, her email, and her number.

Never been happier.

3 Name: StrongestBug !5f3Tt7V6fQ : 2015-01-15 19:46 ID:znUw//hE [Del]

Well, you did practicly stole your bestfriend's boyfriend. I think none of you really know what friendship is and that guy is a jerk.

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-15 20:08 ID:GCOVk3Fr [Del]

>>3 HE broke up with her friend to date her, she didn't steal shit.
We need to get that logic straightened out.

I think we can assume that it was alright with her friend since they were still friends during and after the ordeal, and the friend is in the wrong for breaking the promise and inviting that drama into their friendship. Is that how it was, >>1?

Or did you "steal" your friend's bf? If you did, then >>3 was completely right.

5 Name: StrongestBug !5f3Tt7V6fQ : 2015-01-15 20:14 ID:znUw//hE [Del]

that's why i said "practicly"
But dating the guy who just broke up with your bestfriend it's not the best example of friendship, moral or standards.

6 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-15 20:25 ID:GCOVk3Fr [Del]

>>5 We'll agree to disagree then.

7 Name: StrongestBug !5f3Tt7V6fQ : 2015-01-15 20:33 ID:znUw//hE [Del]

apparently we've been discussing stuff in two diferent threads and i just realized..., i think i might start to like you.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-16 03:39 ID:GCOVk3Fr [Del]

>>7 Just realized it, huh? ^_- This'll happen often... I remember arguing with someone over a topic in one board while agreeing with them in another board.

So anyway, >>1 , choose & get back to us what happens.

10 Name: MisterPepero !qSGjVrYdu6 : 2015-01-16 05:05 ID:bkNZT+Sj [Del]

Maybe, your friend is heed over heels for that guy and that is the reason why she broke her promise. But, I think the guy is just messing around and not taking the relationships seriously. He is just playing your emotions. So I think that you should stick to your promise not to date the guy(again) so that you can avoid being fooled by him.

11 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-18 00:40 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

In the future, please ask romance related questions here instead:

The Dating Problems Thread

12 Name: Phyci orihara : 2015-01-18 12:32 ID:AwlY3BJA [Del]

>>4 I didn't steal anything

13 Name: Ginger : 2015-01-18 13:23 ID:dXP0l0/p [Del]

If she can't keep a simple promise with her best friend then that means that boy has a higher value than you do to her. That's my take with the information you've given, maybe I'm wrong but its reasonable. Why don't you break them apart? If she can't keep her promise why should you?