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What would you do? (7)

1 Name: Tagori !MJz/VilEkE : 2015-01-15 09:57 ID:F08ypWF6 [Del]

So i was talking with my friend and this question came up: If you had a chance, would you leave this world to go to the world of your favorite anime/movie/book/etc.? (for the sake of the argument, assume that even if it is based on this world, the other would not have anybody you knew in it.)

Then the question was added onto. Would you do it if you knew you could never return? you have one opportunity that you will never have again, and you have little time to think about it.

what would you end up doing?

2 Name: Baphomet : 2015-01-15 10:39 ID:XqeFQu7q [Del]

Although I really appreciate my friends, I would probably choose to leave rather than miss an opportunity such as this one.

That's my point of view.

I'd choose the world of "Overlord", by the way.

3 Name: MisterPepero : 2015-01-16 07:48 ID:bkNZT+Sj [Del]

I would stay on this world. Just accept reality. It is what it is. This world is fun to begin with and I don't know about you but I find this world exciting!

4 Name: Somniare : 2015-01-16 09:33 ID:NmAtDuRV [Del]

Definitely leave. I have no place here and it would be fun to find adventure somewhere else. If I can't come back? That's fine. I don't really care. I'd rather much be anywhere but here. But I'd definitely leave to my favorite anime world. Live would be different. No hard, or easy. Just different. It would be fun to see.

5 Name: StrongestBug !5f3Tt7V6fQ : 2015-01-16 10:03 ID:Di8u7KAo [Del]

I'd scream: ONE PIECE!
the regrets will come when i'm the pirate king.

6 Name: Shadeslayer914 : 2015-01-16 12:28 ID:ETsOajcN [Del]

Ha, wow, is there a question?
Who wouldn't?

7 Name: eda47 : 2015-01-16 13:06 ID:RGh7PyF3 [Del]

well nothing is impossible in anime, so yah id go