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Millennial Babies (8)

1 Name: Psycha : 2015-01-14 20:15 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

"I am a millennial. Generation Y; born between the birth of AIDS and 9/11, give or take. They call us the global generation. We are known for our entitlement and narcissism. Some say it’s because we’re the first generation where every kid gets a trophy just for showing up. Others think it’s because social media allows us to post when we fart or have a sandwich for all the world to see. But it seems our one defining trait is a numbness to the world. An indifference to suffering."
- Madison Montgomery (played by Emma Roberts) from American Horror Story: Coven

I was watching AHS:Coven a while ago, and the episode I was watching had this quote in it. The character who spoke this was Madison Montgomery, a Hollywood starlet and a descendant of a Salem witch. In the show, she is shown to be a (pardon my language) real bitch. She is cruel, cunning, and malicious. I hated her right away. However, what she said in that episode was pretty cool. It was so deep and epic. Probably my favorite words from AHS so far. It has irony, sadness, self reflection, and a huge wake up call for me. I never thought of my generation (Generation Y or the Millennial Children) before. I suppose that what she says is true.

*Remember, this is just my own opinion so please do not get offended.*

Our generation is vain. I feel as though we are just a bunch of undead corpses roaming the Earth and taking selfies. We're all just dead inside, basically.
For example:
"Look at this meal I posted on Instagram. It's such a huge life-changer for me, a big achievement."
"My day is so awful because some bitch spilled coffee on my new jeans. WTF?!"
Yes, those are real quotes I came across on Instagram and Twitter. So we aren't far from narcissism.

I understand that there are some good qualities about this generation: we are more accepting, open to new ideas, and technology helps us hear about news from across vast oceans and terrains of land. We are the future of the world, and that is something we are able to understand.

But the problem with us is that are we superficial about all of this? I remember sitting in class, talking about the Japan Tsunami 2011, and there were about ten people behind me making jokes about it, saying horrid things about the victims and making jokes about it. And from what I remember, I was in a AP class with bright and intelligent people. Apparently, they aren't very empathetic. There was even an event where a girl dealing with anorexia was made fun of by two guys, saying "she was just shoving her fingers down her throat to practice sucking d***." It was horrible. I don't know if it is just me that has experienced this, or there are others out in the world.

I keep thinking about how cruel people are these days. They seems to care less about other problems besides their own (NOTE: I like to say that everyone have problems, just some more serious than others. Like those suffering from depression or anorexia. They are serious matters, and I understand that. The problems I'm talking about are more selfish, like freaking out about a date or a pimple on Picture Day at school).

What do you think about our generation, this Millennial Generation? Good? Bad? Are we advancing or are we becoming undead corpses? Is this generation really the worst? If so, why?

And for the Dollars;
Is there any way we can help change? If we actually had the resource and willingness, can we really reshape the world?

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Psycha : 2015-01-14 21:10 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

>>5 Oh. Well, I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way. I didn't mean for this to be something that offends others; this was just a post that I thought would be interesting to discuss about.

And about the selfies: Yes, I understand what you are trying to say. I'm completely fine with selfies (I take some myself XD). What I just posted was an example of our generation; something common that people see everyday and would usually compare it or use it as example to define the Millennial Generation.

What I am trying to say is this: Is our generation good? Are we good people? Are we really what people say we are: narcissistic kids who only care about themselves?

My post was mainly about what I see in our generation. At least, from my point of view. I don't think that it's all that bad. Like most would may agree on, it could be better but not bad. From what I said before, we do have some positive aspects about ourselves. However, most people don't see that. There are people my age who believes that our generation is simply bad because it seems as though we lack this sort of emotional bond (I'm sorry if I can't explain it clearly; I'm not a poet XD) towards each other.

So what I'm trying to say is this: What do YOU think about the Millennial Generation?

Again, I'm sorry that I have offended you. I didn't really make myself clear, and if that have displeased you in any way, I really am sorry.

7 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-14 22:29 ID:GCOVk3Fr [Del]

>>6 Fuck. I should've been more clear. Now that I think about it, I just posted that in the wrong place. I should've posted that in the rage thread since the anger wasn't directed at you, it was at people in general and I never directly answered the point of your thread, so I'll delete that and post it where it belongs.

Hell, I think something like your question even deserves a spot on Main.

Umm... To answer your question, I could only answer that for the millennials in Georgia, U.S.A...

They're morons. And close-minded. And they don't know how to critically think in debates and research... Now that's not a GENERATIONS problem, from what I've observed. I would have turned out the same way if it weren't for my world travel experience, and the experience of attending an IB World School...

IB World Schools... are like, Harvard high schools. And swear, even if you don't get that IB diploma and settle for a high school certificate like me, that learning environment, that high quality education, that ingrained need to ask questions- question how things work, question authority- that environment where you're surrounded by Pakistani, Korean, Chinese, Malaysian, Swedish, Canadian, French, British, etc. classmates... These schools don't give you an A for effort and ship you off unprepared to college. These schools give you a worldly view of everything, and when you dabble in everything it's easier to have a more empathetic view, it's easier to see things from a different light or perspective...
Back in my Georgia high school during freshman and sophomore year... They were in such a small pond that the shallowness of the water made the inhabitants shallow themselves.
You feel me?
But right now, there are such huge cuts on education. Our books were a bit outdated and they let go 1 of the only 2 art teachers they had, making the remainder have to teach 2 classes of 20 rule high school students at the same fucking time.
It's just not fair.

8 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-16 18:58 ID:WHNUyJ+A [Del]

^ bc good discussion topic