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I bit my lip, now there's a sore. (2)

1 Name: Faine : 2015-01-14 18:32 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

Yeah...I'm actually asking for medical advice on here (I don't know if this even counts as personal. At least I think it kind of does).

So, like the title stated, I bit my lip and now there is a sore. I was eating out with a couple of my friends, and I was eating really fast. I guess that my teeth got really confused for a moment, because instead of biting down on pizza, I bit down on the bottom of my lip. Hard. And now there's a swelling sore there. It's really beginning to burn, and I would like it out of my life as fast as possible. I think this is what people would call a canker sore. Anyway, I tried using over the counter medicine like Abreva, but it's not really working real well. Does anyone have a good home remediation for me? If so, then thank you so much!

2 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-14 18:47 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

I get them a lot from biting my gums by accident lol. It sucks, but the pain will go away soon enough.

The best way to make it go away is to keep it clean. Because they're in your mouth, they can get infected very easily, which can cause the to stay for weeks.

A few popular methods of getting rid of them:
1. Wash your hands. Make a paste out of salt and few drops of water, take enough to cover the tip of your finger, and then press it to the sore. Do this ever few hours. It will hurt like a bitch, but it'll keep it clean and help get rid of it.
2. Get a match and press the colored part of it onto the sore for at least thirty seconds. Repeat this a few times through the day every day until it goes away.

And don't touch the sore with your tongue even if it feels better when you do. Human tongues are disgusting. It's just asking for a worse infection.