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Idk (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-13 01:54 ID:BphRyp6q [Del]

Uhh. hi. Its been two days since I've been not going to school for no reason at all. It's just that it always comes into my mind that there's no point on going. I dont know how this happened since I was a perfect attendance person before. But now I think going to school just tires me out. Any suggestions?

2 Name: Sakebi : 2015-01-13 02:03 ID:kI8YnzLX (Image: 500x372 jpg, 58 kb) [Del]

src/1421136233604.jpg: 500x372, 58 kb
I find that the same o.o
Maybe your work is too easy for you? Or it's just boring ? Maybe long travel?
I think you should try to go to school though even if you think there's no point.
If you don't go you can't be a loaf T~T

3 Name: redman001!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-01-13 11:42 ID:pxkJSSKl [Del]

>>1 there is a point, you can learn, make friends(altough these days making true friends is rare)don't give up ,live your life

4 Name: Kazehachi!V/vi9gujn6 : 2015-01-13 14:06 ID:Xq1nNruh [Del]

I have a similar thought pattern to >>3. I'm assuming you're still in high school? If you are, and you're bored, try looking at it from a different angle. It can be hard, but if you give up now it will only make things more difficult for you later on.

5 Name: Snow : 2015-01-13 16:09 ID:wYHaPBNa [Del]

I know when you are at school, it can seem a bit same old same old after a while. There may seem like there is little point in going right now, but believe me if you don’t put the effort in now you will regret it in later life. My education was messed up due to moving house so much, it got to the point that I just gave up trying. Now I look back and realise how stupid I was. Moving may have been chaotic for me but your education is so important. After school you have to enter the real world, finding a job, paying rent. It's hard, and if you don’t get the right qualifications it can become unbearable. We now live in a world where experience means nothing, it’s all about what grades you have, how many you have and how far you took your education. The job market is a complete mess, you need to arm yourself with everything you can. So don't give up. Please. You are only at school for a short amount of time but it can affect the rest of your life.
I hope everything works out and sorry for the length of this, but having personal experience in this made me want to try and reach out.
Good Luck and always be the best you can be :)