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Family issues (17)

1 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-12 23:59 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

My family is always telling me that I'm fucked up and I'm a freak. And I'm tired of it... Any advice?

2 Name: Sakebi : 2015-01-13 00:11 ID:kI8YnzLX [Del]

Best thing to do is ignore it when your old enough to leave just leave .
My family calls me names all the time especially my brother he calls me things like retard,asshole and some other names best thing to do is ignore it or it will cause issues and everyone will blame you.
Hope this helps abit.

3 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2015-01-13 03:52 ID:y4sBAhoC [Del]

Just wait it out. I waited 11 years for some freedom in college, and let me tell you, it felt like all (most) of my issues went away and I've never felt healthier in all my life.

I don't know how abusive your family may be, but start saving up if they cut off your living costs.

4 Name: anon : 2015-01-13 06:53 ID:nRMxOmhV [Del]

Family's not really abusive, but my father's a drunkard. he USED to get home everyday day drunk as fuck. then he'd start shouting about my mom having another man or about how lazy we are and all that. but i swear on everything i have that all he says are just drunkard ramblings. all of this started even when i was young. one time, when he came home drunk, he pulled a gun on my mother. we're all females at home, i have 2 older sisters. and at that time all i could really do was cry while my sisters were trying to stop him. but like i said this happened when was still very young.i am 16 now. and i'm slowly starting to realize that from the moment that i had courage to talk back to him. i was hating him for everything he's done. what i hate most is when the morning comes after a drunk night, he'd act like nothing happened. like all the shit is fine and okay. i hate it the most, it's frustrating! i wanted so much to beat him up and badmouth him to death. but i can't, there's this fucking part of me that can't because hes my father. he still pays for my food, he was still the one who brought me here. and i hate it, i hate it, i hate it, i hate it, i hate it, i hate it. i hate him. but i still don't want him to die.

5 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-13 16:54 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

Another thing I try to keep in mind is to not stoop to their level and call them names and other things. Being put through that for so long, I hate doing it to other people. Making them feel like shit. So I keep my mouth shut and pretend like everything's alright...
And btw, anon... *hugs you* I wish I couldve been born as your older brother. Maybe I couldve done something...

6 Name: Tetra : 2015-01-13 20:26 ID:V9BGQ1qD [Del]

Adreox, I've been through similar situations. And you know what I realized? What's wrong with being a freak? What's wrong with being weird? To me, it just translates to being different, and I'd rather be different than fade into the same grey blob that all the "normal" people have. I'd rather have my own personality, my own thoughts and feelings, than adopt everyone else's.

7 Name: Tetra : 2015-01-13 20:39 ID:V9BGQ1qD [Del]

And Anon, I haven't been through your situation, but I can relate to the last part, where you say he acts like nothing happened and past that. Try to focus on the other aspects of your life. School, interests, friends, etc. Something that you care about that can distract you until you can leave.And honestly,(and this is just my opinion) I don't think he being your father matters. You didn't ask to be his kid. But regardless, don't stoop to his level. Don't take out your anger on him, no matter how much you want to, because it will only make things worse.

8 Name: Honoko : 2015-01-13 20:45 ID:SKKJ75HM [Del]

Don't let it affect you! There is someone out there who loves you. And there's us! We'll support you! Just do what you enjoy and don't pay attention to them.

9 Name: Sol : 2015-01-13 20:45 ID:pajp9/7W [Del]

I think, deep inside, everyone is 'fucked up' or a 'freak'. (Hell, I'm not afraid to admit that I am.)It's part of what makes the world so interesting, and if your family is afraid of that, then that's too bad for them. Who knows, it may even be like that thing about most bullies- they're projecting their own insecurities onto you. But, since they are using that in a completely negative way, I would recommend trying to keep my distance, when possible, or trying to find out the reasons they say that, if you don't already know. I hope this helps ^_^

10 Name: MGDex : 2015-01-13 21:08 ID:51DVlFby [Del]

Just go with a come back like.... "what? I'm just living life, unlike you." But then again, I don't recommend it for.... certain reasons. Just say "it's the way I live life".... that's better.

11 Name: anon : 2015-01-17 11:27 ID:nRMxOmhV [Del]

>>5 thank you, sometimes i wish i had an older brother too. so i'd have someone who can help keep the bad stuff away. but it's alright, my sisters are pretty strong too. most of the time they are what keeps me strong. just thinking about the things they do for me makes me happy.

>>7 yes, that's what i do. whenever things go bad in our house. i'd just focus on other things. but sometimes, it just pops in my head and it becomes scary. i also always watch myself whenever i'm to the point of doing something that i will regret, there are times when i just want to go away. but then again, not everything in my life is bad. i have friends, there's my sisters and my mother.

and then there are you guys. people that i haven't meet and possibly will never even meet. but just knowing that you are there and reading this makes everything better. so Thank you, thank you so much. this was not easy for me to do. because i only shared this to one person and that time i was crying so hard i think she didn't understand me. so really, thank you so much to all of you.

12 Name: !aV22Uv8Zvw : 2015-01-17 18:13 ID:FMAuSrxc [Del]

My family considered me a loser, and a fuck up most of my life. Turns out it was just them projecting for the most part. Not a single person on this planet is a Saint.

Every Saint has past, and every Sinner a future.

So just realized that we are all fucked up, but it's what we do about it ourselves that counts. Don't let others get to you. Life is too beautiful for such hurtful remarks.

13 Name: Nyx : 2015-01-18 05:40 ID:2/JX0zXw [Del]

I kinda know that feeling. But well, even if they are joking it still hurts me. When I'm arguing, they nod but thay don't give a sh*t because I'm a still a kid for them thought I'm 18.. I hate the fact that everybody is looking down on me, when I tell them my dreams they are like "Oh that's great but I don't think you can success " It may be true but isn't it by mistakes that we learn ? Nobody, even my friends are helping me. I hate that but I can't help and bear it. The only personn to satisfy ourselves is our own person, nobody will help. I used to believe that it was possible for people to help but I was too disappointed for the moment, so I decided to not give a f*ck to people around me. I live for my own, it's egoist but I have to.

14 Name: Observer : 2015-01-18 14:24 ID:EiIfjLl4 [Del]

my family has told me many of the same things on occasion. and it angered me. and the anger i inherit from them causes me to get irrational and stupid. knowing this i vented to my friends and had them think for me when i couldnt. i trusted them with my life and they made it better. they taught me how to remain calm, how to deflect my anger. my life has improved vastly since then. but the most important thing i learned was very similar to what >>12 said. it was that I am me. there is nothing wrong with me, and being anybody else is impossible. but if im dissatisfied with me, then i must change how i define myself in my mind, and then work to that definition. but the fact remains that you are a life. you are beautiful. we are all fucked up. we are all freaks. acceptance is learning that, andd working to understand each other. if you want to change, you much redefine yourself. but never decide who someone else is, learn who they are. but never stop being yourself, even if those around you cannot accept you.

15 Name: Akiraki : 2015-01-18 21:08 ID:245uGMcL [Del]

I glad my family doesn't believe in insulting their children with words like idiot, stupid, or fuck up. Actually I'm the child set on the golden stool. As my sibling is the trouble-maker.
Because that sibling causes so much trouble I'm always pushed to the side because they think I am responsible, and don't need the attention. Because of this and living so far out in the country I've become pretty anti-social toward people. Yeah I make good grades, work most afternoons, avoiding doing anything my parents wouldn't like, and pay bills without getting to buy things for myself. But they still pay little attention until something major happens.
The last time they gave me any real attention was because I had a 101 temp. But they could get close or they would have caught my cold/fever.
Well enough moping from me as I will become depressed. Life is life and should live it the best we can. In the Darkness there's always Light.

16 Name: The Crowing !POMN4bNBZs : 2015-01-18 21:44 ID:0ThTHtXR [Del]

>>15 Amen. I don't know why I said that, I'm an atheist, but meh. Anyway, Akiraki, you first, you've already helped me so I feel I should give you a bit of advice, even if you didn't ask for it. If you want attention, just tell your parents you want to spend time with them. Go watch TV with them, sit and eat dinner with them and have a conversation, just have some quality family time. Believe me, it helps. Also, if there's something you really want to do, even if your parents wouldn't approve then they should at least understand (so long as it's not, y'know, bad stuff).
Anyway, onto OP. Tell your family what's troubling you. Tell them that they're hurting you with their words. If they continue, then they're bastards, quite clearly, and just plain bullying you. But since they're your family, they should understand that they're going too far if you just tell them. Blood seems to bind us, more often than not. Remember, you only have one life to live so you better make damn sure you can live with happiness and without regret.

17 Name: Akiraki : 2015-01-18 22:16 ID:245uGMcL [Del]
