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Relationship issues (5)

1 Name: Myles : 2015-01-11 20:45 ID:VmSqSedI [Del]

Uhm hi... Ok i'll be honest... I've been an awful person. I've done a lot of bad things... including hurting the one i love most. I've done awful things and seen even worse. I left her, my gf, and im not sure why. But, over time ive realized that she's the only one for me. Im trying desperately to get her back... But here's my question. is there a chance for redemption? Can i make it back to her and fix whatwas broken or will I follow this road forever? I just need advice on the situation.

2 Name: Christie : 2015-01-11 22:31 ID:jhNEneGD [Del]

What bad things have you done? I'm a girl so if you tell me the details I can definitely help you out!

3 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-11 22:35 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

i'm sorry but I haven't been in this spot but I have advice. if u truly love your Gf prove It! show you've changed and that you will never hurt anyone aging.(or i'll get you Jk Jk!AHAHA sorry i'm stupid)) the best thing to do is like I said show you've changed and if your determaind STAY THAT WAY!!!
I know that part is hard trust me *holds up hand* I've been in a bad spot and had to prove I wasn't a hot headed idiote freak who liked fighting (bully fight.....bullies didn't get away see emo's are tuff >:) )anyway *sigh* Just use will power and show you still love your Gf and that your no longer going to hurt anyone.
But I can't say if you did bad things who knows what's good or bad really?
all I can say is don't give up
(sorry I sound like a old record don't I? Ivy:Yep <: Me:Shut it!))
sorry about that hope I could help another dollar family member...if not it's i'm sorry.

4 Name: Myles : 2015-01-13 22:52 ID:VmSqSedI [Del]

Omg thank so much i really need the support! Her and I are taking small steps (we met today) and are slowly working things out.

5 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-18 00:39 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

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