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love confused (8)

1 Name: PotatoGirl : 2015-01-10 16:37 ID:GYcGx5xJ [Del]

I have a girlfrined of 2 and a half years, but recently I met this guy and I think I'm getting strong feelings for him. I feel I might cheat but I dont want to. I want to leave her but we have so much together. I also want to try things out with this guy though... I don't know what to do. This is eating away at my heart and mind. Help...

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3 Name: Foodbaby : 2015-01-10 17:03 ID:a6wcS6O3 [Del]

If you truly still love her you should stay with her. Also cheating is never the answer it will hurt everyone in the long run. If you feel that the love between you and her is fading or doesn't exist any more than it is probably best to break up but if the love is still there don't ruin it by cheating.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Weebtrash : 2015-01-11 00:00 ID:cFkcSsxi [Del]

You have to figure out if you are staying with her because its comfortable and easy. Are all the thing you have been through the reason you haven't left her or is it because you truly love her? This guy may just be an infatuation or a passing fancy but don't let comfort keep you for exploring your feelings.

6 Name: Arandomdude : 2015-01-11 00:26 ID:zrTbJXNN [Del]

Foodbaby is rigth, cheating is never a good idea.

7 Name: Mokusatsu : 2015-01-11 16:37 ID:GLfKNRI5 [Del]

No one is bound with anyone.. If you WANT to leave your girlfriend then you should do it, it's not like you're bound to her and you MUST be with her. Besides, if you don't love her, why are you still with her? A fake love doesn't worth it
(this is assuming that you don't love her)

On the other hand, you have to be sure that you can be with that guy, if you leave her. Because if you cannot be with him and you leave your girlfriend, then you'll be alone, and for what?

In my opinion, I recommend you to stay with your girl. You're still with her after 2 years and a half. If you're fine together, does that guy really worth it? and ruining that relationship?

8 Name: Myles : 2015-01-11 21:04 ID:VmSqSedI [Del]

Well look honestly if you've been with someone that long then you have something special but then again im a high schooler so yeah. But thats my opinion.