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Longing (22)

1 Name: Maro : 2015-01-06 18:13 ID:xk5ZcY54 [Del]

I'm going to preface this with the fact that odds are this is going to sound ridiculous but it's something I've felt for a very long time. You grow up watching all these shows and movies where some hapless unhappy kid is plucked from their ordinary life and is thrown into some sort of fantastical adventure. I have for so long craved a life that is more than what I have, something beautiful, something spectacular. I just am not content to waste away in monotony I want more out of life... but as days go on that dream seems more and more like just that, a dream and a childish one at that. Even so I can't get it out of my head, I guess I'm posting this partly because this is one of those few groups that was born from that same craving I have, to be part of something more, so I can't be the only one who thinks like this, can I?

2 Name: Mamorou : 2015-01-06 18:24 ID:qfa8I8Fw [Del]

You're definitely not alone there Maro :P

3 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-06 19:08 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

I know the feeling... Wish I could be of more help...

4 Name: Dummy : 2015-01-06 21:30 ID:/VVddIH4 [Del]

Hahaha, you sound like me circa five years ago.

Go outside more. Talk to people you normally wouldn't talk to. Get a job and save up some money for traveling. Take up new hobbies. Do some drugs and explore alternative states of mind. Anything, to get you out of your compulsive thought patterns.

Set goals for yourself. Make the most out of life, before it passes you by!!

5 Name: Vex !29VjXEDWP2 : 2015-01-06 22:10 ID:ZwEFAuEJ [Del]

I can relate, and I'm sorry to say that there isn't really a way it can be helped. Maybe this isn't the best example, but maybe you could try to be a bit like Mikado. In the anime, he was bored with his life, so he tried to add some excitement.

Try to find a hobby... Explore the world, maybe. With the internet, you can do just about anything-- there are plenty of free sources on the internet where you could pick up a new skill. Learn a new language maybe, parkour... Maybe start writing a novel or comic or something in your free time, or learn how to use an instrument.

6 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-06 22:18 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

This actually reminds me of a new game thats going to come out soon. Its the next game in the Persona series. I dont know much about it, but its basically all about people who feel chained to reality and want more in their lives... I don't know what ends up happening yet, but idk. Its kinda cool that thats the theme of the game.

7 Name: Sanae : 2015-01-06 22:32 ID:Fs88km/r [Del]

Haha! Same here! Most of the time, I just want to leave school, leave my house, and just fly away to another country! I bet most of us here feels the same as you do, so don't worry about it, you can talk to us :)

8 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-01-07 01:32 ID:Mmn+DHD/ [Del]

I understand you guys.

I wish that, I could be like Luffy and go on adventures.
I wish I could be like Edward Kennway and go start my own sh#t. I wish to be like Black Lagoon and do what ever the f#ck I want to do.

But in the end, that WILL NOT HAPPEN.
Go ahead guys, say sh#t to me, you know I'm right.

What I do now after I learned this horrible truth is modding my life to make is better then any thing else. I set goals for myself.
If Luffy goes on adventures then I make my own. (well, planing right now, cause I'm broke, but I will!).
If Edward has his trusted crew, then I have the most cutthroat homies ever. They are on my side.
Of Black lagoon does sh#t, I make sure that I have a 12 cylinder engine to run away from the cops.

If these guys were real and if they saw me, they would want to be like me.

I still dream though. I dream and I follow them.
I decided to sh#t my way and tear every dumb b#tch that gets in my way. I also decided that I want everything the world has to offer and I any to be everything the world has to offer.

Look, a dream is amazing but...your life is also amazing too.

9 Name: M : 2015-01-07 10:34 ID:5Emlud7a [Del]

I have something similar but not as extreme. Yeah, I want to go on adventures and see beautiful sites also. But the one thing I want more than all of that, is someone to go on those adventures with me. I want to meet that special someone who will accept me and drag me out of my little world and show me that the world is so much larger than it is. I want someone who will make me get out of my comfort zone and try new things like eating weird foods and going to see some small show in a cafe, or small venu.

I know this sounds weird but to me this the one thing that my heart longs for the most.

10 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-07 15:53 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

I think getting to go on adventures with that special someone would be awesome... But personally I'd like to go on adventures with a whole group of friends! That'd be fun. To me at least. But I don't have a group of friends like that so I'll just keep on dreaming. Hehe...

11 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2015-01-07 19:39 ID:sXoWehgi [Del]

I feel exactly the same. I just try and travel and explore as many new places as possible... It's not a perfect adventure, but it's the closest I can get.

12 Name: Chi-chan : 2015-01-07 20:45 ID:/rsSF0vi [Del]

I also have a childish dream to have a fantastic journey like RPG games! I know it sounds childish and ridiculous though (⌒-⌒; )
I rather traveling alone though, therefore I would be able to concentrate on my task...I'm sort of a loner but if I meet a friend that worth traveling, a person with kind heart and good personality...I wouldn't mind to ask that person to go on an adventure with me...especially cool guys...well my heart will be throbbing all the WAY... (≧∇≦)

13 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-01-08 01:23 ID:Mmn+DHD/ [Del]

It's pretty f#cking amazing to know that I'm not the only one in life who wishes for more adventurous tasks.
I hope that one day you all find what you all are looking for.

14 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2015-01-08 09:22 ID:Crel26Mr [Del]

Seoshi, you really are a nice person lol! How was your fight I really wanted to support you back then, but I was held back by my studies.

15 Name: Maro : 2015-01-08 12:18 ID:xk5ZcY54 [Del]

I sincerely can't thank you all enough for posting thoughts, advice, just letting me know I'm not alone here, really that in and of itself makes such a huge difference.

16 Name: maria : 2015-01-08 13:54 ID:vYs7YZfG [Del]

I feel exactly the same and throght the years I learned that dreams do come true to some extent
I feel like life's a bit boring for me

17 Name: Colorless : 2015-01-08 15:21 ID:nNNj6ogd [Del]

the closest thing i got to having a crazy adventure this past year was I was kicking a soccer ball by a lake and i accidentally kicked it off slightly and the wind blew it off coarse. ..... I had to jump into the lake to get it back.

18 Name: Sahiko : 2015-01-08 16:18 ID:daLKv2gT [Del]

You're not the only one. :3

19 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2015-01-08 17:26 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

Isn't it a feeling about has ?

I, for one, never really got rid of it. I'm not expecting anything to surge into my life, nowadays, and neither am I stupidly trying to invoke a fireball or such, but still, when once in a while, I remember a dream, I like to think of it as better than my life.

There isn't much to wait for, but I'll keep in my heart those beautiful things I could happen to meet or get by my own hands, one day.

20 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2015-01-08 17:46 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

about everyone has *

21 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-01-08 17:48 ID:Mmn+DHD/ [Del]

>>14 Kannon, whadda do? XD Thanks for the compliment! Sadly I lost the wrestling match, but it doesn't feel like one. I hesitate to say that I list because I won knowledge. Thanks for the support.

22 Name: Chi-chan : 2015-01-08 18:04 ID:nb5qEzIT [Del]

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one...that wish for something like this...I would be ashamed if my friends find out about this... (⌒-⌒; )
They would consider me childish