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An Idea (9)

1 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-05 03:15 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

Hey. I've had an idea for a while... Actually it's more of a dream. Some day I want to own some land and have a whole fantasy adventure thing. It would be cosplay but a bit LARP too. People could come up with a character and a costume and name themselves and basically be whoever they wanted to be. I have a bunch of the game specifics worked out, but generally, do you people like this idea? It may not be a solid way to earn cash but maybe I could at least do it on weekends and such. Just tell me what you think and ask any questions. I need to know if people like this idea or not before I make any discussions about it. Thanks for reading this.

2 Name: Nickolaj : 2015-01-05 03:22 ID:eA+k6rim [Del]

Actualy sounds kinda enteresting. I just started doing some Pen And Paper Pathfinder a few weeks ago, and i could see how the idéa could be fun and interesting.

3 Name: Mamorou : 2015-01-05 05:00 ID:qfa8I8Fw [Del]

It sounds interesting but I have no idea what the 'idea' is. Could you explain it in a better way?

4 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-05 05:51 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

We'd need more information on what it would be. What's the story going to be like? What would you do to the land? What races could we be? Etc. Do you have any lore planned out?

Just saying, "Oh, Imma get land and make a fantasy larp!" doesn't tell us anything except that you're making a generic roleplaying game.

5 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-05 19:48 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

I have some classes to choose from and when it comes to races, there's some generally base types but like if someone wanted to be something else, I wouldnt just tell them no. But obviously most of the races are gonna be humanoid. So of course humans elves orcs hobbits and maybe even like have animal species like Khajit and Argonian. I'm also writing a basic history for the story but I was thinking that if a player did something that was important, it would then become part of thw main story. For the most part though, I let people have free reign of what they want to be. But there starting out player of course has low levels. So if somebody joined, they couldnt just say, "hey I'm a god" they actually have to level up (I'm working on a system for that too) and then thwy could be considered actually powerful. I'm also working on making things such as raid missions where at a specific time, we get everyone that wants to go, and go through an area (probably just 4-8 people will go through at a time) and there will be monsters and such for them to fight. And most of the monsters will be volunteers or players that want to be a "villain" character.

6 Name: the actor : 2015-01-05 20:32 ID:Njw31jI6 [Del]

I think you might want to research different game types, like will it be where you follow the specific storyline of the game, or will there be a few different types of ending like in dmmd (sorry for the example, its the first thing that came to my mind). Maybe it would be where you create your own world and do anything you want, will it be something like civilization v? I really like the idea so maybe email me or something?

7 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-05 22:21 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

Thanks for the help, ideas and questions btw. Its much appreciated! :)

8 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2015-01-06 12:28 ID:XMmf3up5 [Del]

I love the idea! But implementation is gonna be very difficult. You'd need land lol. Lots and lots of 'em!

9 Name: Adreox : 2015-01-06 17:34 ID:bLnJka/v [Del]

Thats true. But I'm in Texas and there's quite a few possibilities for location.