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How to make him more sociable? (12)

1 Name: Serenne !WDkUvjkvVc : 2014-12-30 02:10 ID:PoXzx02T [Del]

I have a friend, a boy friend, and we like each other very much. Since the day he told me that he loves me, we became a very close friend. He told me that before he know me, he always felt alone. He has a lot of friend now, he's an easy-going person and everybody likes him.

The only thing that worries me, it's that he's always together with me everyday at school. He sit beside me, he eat lunch with me, he's following me everywhere, and we're texting everyday from morning to evening.

And is it okay? Is it the best thing for him? I want him to be more closer to his friends, to have a lot more friends for him to count, and I want him to eat lunch and hang out more with his friends. But everytime i told him to eat lunch with him, he said, "It's okay with only you." like that. He's a very kind person to me and i love him and want the best for him. So can anyone help me what should he do and what should i tell him to do? Am I worrying too much?

2 Name: M : 2014-12-30 03:36 ID:9S+eafPD [Del]

Well if he is hanging out with you most of the time, he might not feel comfortable around his friends or not comfortable enough to open up and talk to them more often.

Another reason why could be unsociable is that he's still stuck in his shell of loneliness. You're the only one close enough to him, so you can help him come out of his shell and be more sociable in public. He might not be opening up because of something simple like "How do i keep up the conversation/I don't know them well enough to be friends" (This was how it was for me). But it could also be more serious like "Do they even like me, or will they like the real me". You are his girlfriend and should know him better than his friends so try to find the cause of his anti-socialness.

Now keep in mind that these might not be the reason as to why he's not sociable. He might just per-fer hanging out with you over his friends.

3 Name: Touasuki : 2014-12-30 09:03 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

No ur not wrong u just wants whats best for him
shore he could hang more with his friends but i'm just like him it takes time to come out of the small bubble we make. it's really hard sometimes. but like when umm how do I put this training a pet it takes time.(sorry) People like us it's hard to change us. We just want someone who really cares for us then we don't want to let go. or for better terms where scaried to lose people so we don't make many my advice
1:help him narrow down his friends
2:set up hang out with that group
3:Try to get him to have as much fun with them as you can
4:still let him know your Not leaveing
the last park will give him that push and really really Really lighten his day.
Trust me....

4 Name: Serenne !WDkUvjkvVc : 2014-12-30 09:25 ID:PoXzx02T [Del]

Today I tried to talk about this with him once more and before I started it, he already knows everything i'm going to say. And he finally said that he's afraid of getting bullied since in middle school he had always be the target of bullying..

Thank you for your advice! I trust you and i will do it, thanks! :)

5 Name: Touasuki : 2014-12-30 09:30 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>4 any time >w<

6 Name: Friend : 2014-12-30 11:45 ID:1pxHoMCZ [Del]

Wow, you really are a great girlfriend! I'm a lot like your guy too. What >>3 said is exactly what I think you should do!

7 Name: Touasuki : 2014-12-30 14:10 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>6 >w< aawww thanks I just want to share help for people like makes me happy helping.. if only I could use it myself to get a guy friend.. Q-Q awell who cares.
^-^ as long as I can help!

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Friend : 2014-12-31 09:17 ID:bPGKlBT0 [Del]

:3 if anybody saw the 8th post, it was a joke!

10 Name: KaiHayashi : 2014-12-31 09:23 ID:TECNHNnU [Del]

Yap, u probably worry too much ^^

11 Name: Serenne !WDkUvjkvVc : 2015-01-01 00:45 ID:PoXzx02T [Del]

Thank you :) I really hope you can make a lot of friends too :)

Your help means a lot to me, dear :) I'm sure you can get a really nice guy ^^

12 Name: Touasuki : 2015-01-01 09:58 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

>>11 thanks I hope so to