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Which is better? (22)

1 Name: Friend : 2014-12-29 10:44 ID:THGR+maf [Del]

Believing that you're special or believing that everyone are equals? Which one do you THINK is better? Moreover, tell me which one is ACTUALLY better?

2 Name: 青葵201-chan : 2014-12-29 11:03 ID:whDsGzZP [Del]

Want to be special but will just feel disappointed after finding its all same~(`・ω・´)”Even its really special but after a while will still thinks that that's normal~ Which one better is actually depends to own, like, what people says is people's opinion right( ´∀`)
Anyway nice to meet you~(*ゝω・*)ノ

3 Name: Friend : 2014-12-29 11:07 ID:THGR+maf [Del]

Well, which one would you use in life? Your opinon?

Nice to meet you too uhh.. 201-chan! (My phone doesn't recognize the first two characters in your name)

4 Name: 青葵201-chan : 2014-12-29 11:44 ID:whDsGzZP [Del]

Hmmm, I would like to think that I'm special though I know I'm same as everyone~ヾ(●´U`●)ノ Its what I want anyway! Don't have to do the way that everyone says its right, just do the way that yourself think its what you want and good for you in truth~。+゜ヾ(o゜∀゜o)ノ。+゜
It's okay, just call me 201-chan! (ゝω・)Hiya there Friend-chan( ´∀`)

5 Name: Ness : 2014-12-29 15:46 ID:hNNN/abg [Del]

Personally i like to believe that we're all special and some way that we can't be the same even if we are a viewed as special.

6 Name: Akatsuki : 2014-12-29 17:32 ID:nkga9ce7 [Del]

i would put it this way everyone is special because of their flaws and virtues, abilities and knowledge, but all people are the same cause the price off life is the same, nevertheless if youre homeless or rich your lifes price is equal. but everyone is different and thats why we are special i dunno its hard to explain. do we sort people or is everyone equal? not an easy answer to that

7 Name: Friend : 2014-12-30 10:32 ID:pCpCvUMs [Del]

The reason why I asked this question, is that, if we think that we are special, doesn't that make us work less hard for our goals in life? We'll think that since we're special, the odds of us succeeding are better. But the positive effects of this are optimism & self-confidence which are great partners in life, right?
On the other hand, if we think that all are equals then what others achieve are because of their hard work (neglecting inborn talent, since such ppl are rare in a particular field of venture). Therefore, the postive effects of this idea is that we'll work hard at bring all goals to a level which we can accomplish by faithful work. BUT, this means that we can't always be optimistic and/or confident in achieving our goals.
Damn, this is a long post.
>>2 In stages of my life where I believed that I'm special, I also believed what Po's Dad says in Kung Fu Panda. "if you believe something is special, then it's special" So, i won't bother about others. Since you follow the first idea too, i think you should listen to Po's dad :P
I'm following the 2nd idea now, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing.
Sure, 201-chan! (Just so you know, my phone doesn't pick up any japanese characters at all!)
>>3 I'm sorry, but I can't seem to understand what you're talking about, Ness.
>>4 Yeah, that's what I think is ACTUALLY right too. That's what you BELIEVE too in your point of view, huh? Hmm.. I guess you could do that, but I find it very uncomfortable to actually hold myself to blurred idea. So, conclusively, I don't wanna believe what actually is right, rather, I wanna believe what's good for me. So thanks you for telling me what's right! :)

Sorry guys if that seemed strange. But I'm like that, sorry, Hehe!

8 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-30 11:06 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>7 I don't understand where you're getting this idea that speciality and effort have an opposite relationship. Look at it from the other end of the spectrum: If someone works really hard to achieve a great success, should they not be considered special?

I think the word you're looking for is "talented", not "special".

9 Name: Friend : 2014-12-30 11:39 ID:1pxHoMCZ [Del]

BarabaeSama, I'm talking about considering yourself, not others. I'm not saying 'speciality' and 'effort' are contradicting. What i'm saying is that "considering yourself special" has an impact on how you work.
I want to know which ideal I should hold on to. Shall I consider myself special or not, that was the question in mind.
The word 'special' is the more appropriate one if you think like what I told you, right?.
Thanls for thinking about this, not much people do that! :)

10 Name: 青葵201-chan : 2014-12-30 15:17 ID:dnVOEIb7 [Del]

>>7 Hmmm~I guess so (*ゝω・*)ノJust follow what you think, that's the point~( ´∀`)Don't forget that sometimes changing what you think might change the situation, making worse or even better(*≧▽≦)
Yesh it's okay~(*´ω`)っI won't mind!

11 Name: Miharu : 2014-12-30 18:46 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

I don't know how relevent this is but what came to mind was what Griffith said in Berserk. He was the leader of the band of the hawks but he didn't consider any of them as his friends. He said that for them to be a true friend to him they have to be his equal in every way and have their own dream rather than simply following his.

So I guess I'd say that you need to be special to be considered someone's equal, which means we aren't really all equal, or something like that. I think that we all have equal potential but don't simply start off as equals. And I think that thinking that everyone is equal means you naturally feel like you don't try as hard. That's what I have to say about this.

12 Name: Friend : 2014-12-31 06:37 ID:gJH6D4WW [Del]

Thanks for all thay you've said! It's not enough as I've expected, but your help will help me find the answer! Thanks!

13 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-31 07:37 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>I'm not saying 'speciality' and 'effort' are contradicting.
"if we think that we are special, doesn't that make us work less hard... We'll think that since we're special, the odds of us succeeding are better."

I still don't get it. Optimism and the odds of success still have nothing to do with how hard you work q-q I don't get how being optimistic is supposed to have an effect on the amount of effort you'd put into something? Maybe if you're entitled and think you deserve something for nothing, sure, but thinking that you'll find success doesn't necessarily share the same meaning.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2014-12-31 10:59 ID:ijYxa5pk [Del]

>>13 >I don't get how being optimistic is supposed to have an effect on the amount of effort you'd put into something

Really? I think it's pretty noticeable. If you are convinced you can't do whatever it is you're doing, I don't think you're going to finish it. You'd be less motivated if your outlook on its completion was garbage. I can personally attest to this, obviously.

15 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-31 11:24 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>14 Oh, that's true. I was looking at it from the other end of the equation, but that makes a lot of sense.

16 Name: Friend : 2014-12-31 12:59 ID:wTjmmF94 [Del]

Thanks Anon! I'm glad you understand!

17 Name: Nickolaj : 2014-12-31 14:35 ID:UOWPdkeT [Del]

I don´t think that you need to be special or normal like everyone else, what matters to me is being an individual.

18 Name: Shiro Neko : 2015-01-01 00:46 ID:qfa8I8Fw [Del]

aaah this, thinking you're special makes you seem like an over optimistic person but believing everyones the same makes you sound too pessimistic too. Nothing really advances if we're all equal but nothings ever sane when you think you're special.


19 Name: Friend : 2015-01-01 06:29 ID:2F7WwtxY [Del]

Haha Neko, now I think it's better to think like Nickolaj. Being an induvidual. Somehow that makes sense to me. :)

20 Name: BlackLotus32 : 2015-01-01 16:25 ID:fWwb0HEx [Del]

Oh well you're special if the others tell you HONESTLY that you're not like the others. And these honest ones don't say "You're special" or "You're not like the others". They just say "You're strange"
So ladies and gentlemans, if you're being told that you're strange - know - you are not like the others and you are special.
Or an idiot.

21 Name: Shiro Neko : 2015-01-01 20:05 ID:qfa8I8Fw [Del]

>>20 LOL! that's one hell of a way to put it down yo

22 Name: redman001!9h3qX0u7Uk : 2015-01-02 10:08 ID:34pFl8nS [Del]

>>21 a realistic way to describe what is being special