Dollars BBS | Personal

















1 Name: 2 wi4 : 2014-12-23 10:20 ID:7UeQZRdW [Del]

I have this friend, and im quite tight with his family.He's been saying alot of weird shit this past few months everyday every second. He said he was suffering from severe depression. It was quite stupid because he probably doesnt know what real depression is, he didn't even get diagnosed or even see a doctor. He seriously has 8th grade syndrome even though his quite a young adult. I tried talking to him nicely, but i feel like he's not even serious. He said stuff like, 'you know i'm a gangster now? I pointed a middle finger at this guy' and stuff like 'i have a problem you know.. But its personal so i wont tell you' DUDE ARE YOU TWEEEEELLLLVEE?? you make me feel awkward when you said that D: And if you dont want to talk about your problems DONT MENTION IT AT ALL if you need me to beg you to let me understand. he's getting on my nerves. I feel like telling him 'BRO shut the hell up and stop pretending to be depressed when you're fine' he always say stuff like depression this depression that and that his life's the worse and when i cheer him up he's like 'man you dont understand.' THEN MAKE ME UNDERSTAND, YOU ALWAYS SAY YOU HAVE PERSONAL PROBLEMS, its your dick right? DO YOU HAVE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION? CAUSE IF SO, WE'RE BOTH DUDES SO ISSOKE. anyways, I cheer him up all the time but he 1)wont tell me anything 2)continues saying he has problems all the time but he would just drown in self pity without doing anything.I get tired too okay. I wouldn't be mad if he made an effort to change but noooo. MAAAN LOOK AROUND YOU, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHOSE FEELING WORSER THEN YOU OK. And i feel sad cause we're really close and you suddenly act like a kid, is it something you really cant say? I wont judge you at all bro, And you know it. OH AND AT LEAST YOU'RE A GOOD LOOKING LAD WHO HAS A NICE WARM FAMILY (YES I AM WELL BONDED WITH YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR SISTER IS PRETTY CUTE) I know i may sound insensitive but i know him very well to say that he just likes to play victim. SELF PITY I TELL YOU. SEELFFF PIITTTY.


I sound like a girl but PHEW that felt gooood to rant about. Dollars dont judge me, i need to vent my anger too mmkay.

2 Name: Usop : 2014-12-23 10:24 ID:MzkMf8jx [Del]

HAHAH this is so entertaining to read. I'd just read this to your friend to tell him to wake up.

3 Name: Hiro'kyun : 2014-12-23 10:26 ID:rm25Dt1G [Del]

'grow up man. your wiener deserves a better owner' lmfao

4 Name: =3 : 2014-12-23 10:31 ID:RY99SUIg [Del]

I know how it feels to have a friend do a 180 change, you can get through this! Oh and i thought you we're a girl XD but men need some release too >:-) heheheh

5 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2014-12-23 11:54 ID:xU3elg0E [Del]

We have a complaining thread, please redirect your rant there, thank you.

6 Name: Arahiro Ayazi : 2014-12-23 16:08 ID:zAdh3ksW [Del]

Hiya! I get your coming from, first of, LOL you complain your heart out man good for you, secondly I think you stick with his family cause you got a crush on his sister(joking)....anyway I won't judge man but, maybe there's an even deeper reason to it, no? after all a guy can't change like that with no reason,there's got to be one, now lets see what we know, he's gone very self depressed and is taking it out on you,he's got 8th grade syndrome and mention things he doesn't want to talk about...I would say he lacks attention,him being an adult and what not means his either ignored by his family or some other someone...but one thing is for sure, he WANTS attention, and is expressing it rather prematurely which frustrates you. I know he's been a pain and all but as a friend i think you need to talk to him seriously. I may be wrong so don't take my word for it hehhehe best of luck!

7 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-12-23 17:47 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

your friend sounds like a chick.

8 Name: Mekakushi Actor : 2014-12-24 00:03 ID:DMBBRRvx [Del]

Complain it all out! Let it go (like Elsa, jk)! Anyways, he probably just wants you or another person to notice him more in an... sadly, immature way. Your his friend so just ask him why do you really feel this. Rant what you just ranted to him. He's your friend. I hope this helps. :)

9 Name: BlackLotus32 : 2014-12-25 21:04 ID:fWwb0HEx [Del]

First of all, I laughed when reading this. Dude you really CAN express yourself. Uhm dunno tell him to shut up and go do some gangster things that will help him relieve stress and get over depression. You know fucking around always helps. I honestly think he just says stupid things. Like, WHAT CAN BE SOOOO IMPORTANT THAT YOU CAN'T TELL ME? If you're close friends he should tell you for sure what's the problem. But actually if he really has depression you can't help it. Depression (at least what he thinks he have) is a thing where you just think about dark things, about that cruel one, it's self dunno what. It's all about your thoughts. So maybe you could do something together that will take those thoughts away from him

10 Name: Ilovegreenmoss : 2014-12-26 05:48 ID:+mfKz3Vk [Del]

^ agree. Do fun things together like going to the theme park or karoake and both of you can leeeeet ittt gooo with your voices. or Like watch anime together. Yeah you can watch boku no pico or school days together. HAHAHA >;-)

11 Name: Hiro'kyun : 2014-12-26 05:51 ID:rm25Dt1G [Del]

^ boku no pico will really make him fall into depression lol

12 Name: Hiro'kyun : 2014-12-26 05:52 ID:zd2NCgPY (Image: 704x396 jpg, 33 kb) [Del]

src/1419594770054.jpg: 704x396, 33 kb
i had to

13 Name: Toshi : 2014-12-26 05:55 ID:Ppad3RDT (Image: 704x396 jpg, 33 kb) [Del]

src/1419594914385.jpg: 704x396, 33 kb

14 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-26 21:32 ID:0PYtNs/S [Del]

My, my what an expressive young man~
I laughed hard when I read this thread (^○^)
Well each person have their own level of vulnerability against stress, and your friend there seems to be the type who easily get stress over something trivial things I suppose?

I know it's hard to have that kind of FRIEND.
I had a girl friend who always act like a five years old brat and angry over stupid thing due to her selfishness, even I still don't know how to deal with her...
The only thing I can say patience my friend ( ̄▽ ̄)

A plenty of experience and obstacle might change him (maybe)

15 Name: Yamune : 2014-12-27 23:00 ID:TTQCpqnK [Del]

As a girl with a nerdy group of friends, this is new to me and I also wonder what it is like. Hmmmmm..

16 Name: Shizaya-kun : 2014-12-27 23:22 ID:lnFB9bDw [Del]

ikr, I've always wondered.......