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Please give me some advice ! (4)

1 Name: Sevyon : 2014-12-21 03:07 ID:RmUbvaYn [Del]

I really like this friend of mine whom i knew for 5 years,She had been in a few relationship with the last one ended with the boyfriend bringing the gang to threaten her.A year gone by since then and we ended up in different schools .We met up for a few lunch just to catch up etc and i really enjoy time together.However 2 weeks ago after we had our lunch , she started ignoring me , doesn't read my whatsapp eventhough she's online(i send like 7 msg) and i was afraid that i might annoy her even further therefore i decide not to text her anymore . I don't know why she's doing this to me i thought maybe this time i have my chance of getting her as my girlfriend but...can anyone give me some advice on what i can do ? Cause this is making me depressing . thanks ! (ps a few year ago she knew i liked her though my friend and she ignored me too at that time and i don't really want that to happen again it took me very long for her to reply me )

2 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-12-21 12:52 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

Bro, relax! Your making it sound like it a crises or something. She doesn't sound like someone "important" for you but rather another fun girl to hang with and there are a lot of those my friend. I say cut your loses and find a chick who can give you the time of day, or giver the space see needs (you might be coming off as too clingy) and see what happens from there.

3 Name: gil : 2014-12-21 23:57 ID:rMB0C11H [Del]

honesty is the best policy. tell her what you think of her, and what you really want from her. if you and her keep pulling ropes, you'll eventually loses her for real. and if she really can't accept your feelings, try to find another love. you can't force someone's feeling after all.

4 Name: yuno : 2014-12-22 18:03 ID:4HacRcAe [Del]

dont tell her, play it cool! you gotta make urself seem desirable. no good comes from telling her, youll freak her out and scare her away if she doesnt see it coming.