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i don't know how (7)

1 Name: daccano : 2014-12-20 20:54 ID:vml+koIe [Del]

i don't know how to talk to one of my friends, i really like her, but i don't know how to start a conversation.
some times i think she's the same way
pleas help, me with this

2 Name: gil : 2014-12-21 01:33 ID:Ynmz54d+ [Del]

Ask for her contact no or fb or whatever acct she has that don't require talking and start texting her. sometimes you can express yourself better in text than when talking in person. after then you can level up.

3 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-12-21 03:30 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

if you go off of what >>2 said that's good, because when you want to talk to her in real life, then you'll have something to talk about. It'll also probably get easier to talk to her in real life as well.

4 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-21 20:01 ID:9tStr1tx [Del]

Just go and talk to her.

I did the same thing and I have a morbid fear of people... I forced myself and looked like a fool to what I thought. Ended up not being so bad even with me a clumsy and slow fellow with no social skill. Its all in the head most of the times.

Anyway if you want to talk just talk. Seek for a subject like how are you doing or anything.

I FORCED MYSELF TO TALK TO 436 PEOPLE TO GET OVER MY FEAR! ITS WAS COMPLETE BULLSHIT AND INNEFICIENT! Yet I did enjoy the end results... Not as bad as it originally sounded to me.

You don't need to do so much to get things started. I am just saying its not so bad in the end. Its hard, but worth it.

Also I realised its easier to start talking when the other one is eating. Do some small talk there and it usually goes smoothly. Learn what she likes and talk about that if you are curious about it!

5 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-21 20:07 ID:9tStr1tx [Del]

Heck if you find her cool and trustworthy show her this site. Maybe if she ends up liking it with the anime or things like that that's common ground to speak about for the next few days.

Its the easy way out to begin a conversation. introduce them to the gamer or otaku life style.

6 Name: daccano : 2014-12-21 20:37 ID:vml+koIe [Del]

well she would have to watch durarara first anmd that was on the list of animes i gave her.
this is all great you guys are the best

7 Name: daccano : 2014-12-21 20:38 ID:vml+koIe [Del]

and she is a otaku