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College struggles (11)

1 Name: Yuma : 2014-12-18 00:55 ID:taZ6WN8W [Del]

So it's been a while since I've been here. Hope everyone is doing well.

Recently, I feel like I've dug myself into a shithole which I see no way out of. I'm a third year in college(Berkeley Mechanical Engineer) and currently on academic probation. Needless to say, this semester I feel like I fucked up and put myself at risk of being dismissed. The thing is, I don't know how I even got into this situation. I don't know if it's cause I didn't take school seriously, if I actually struggled with the curriculum, couldn't find the motivation to do well, or even something wrong with me personally that I've paid no attention to all this time. To make it all worse, I feel like some of the things I say to explain this are just excuses that I use to avoid the real problem.

I see myself miss long periods of class which usually happens after I slip up on one or two assignments and the more it goes on, the harder it gets for me to go back. I don't know if any of you have ever gone through anything like this or at least similar enough to it but what's some advice you have?

Also, I don't know if this is something I could ever tell my family face to face

2 Name: Jack : 2014-12-19 03:53 ID:M21RPFLF [Del]

If the reason why you are on academic probation was that the courses were too challenging, you need to ask yourself if this is really what you want to do with your life. It's hard to find motivation to work for something you don't really want. You need to find some sort of motivation for you to do well in school otherwise it is just tough. You need to really sit down and think what do you REALLY want? If it is graduating college with this degree is what you really want, then do it. If you think it's laziness it's probably not that. You made it this far already so it can't be that. Might be just a lack of motivation. You'll figure it out pal. Stay strong.

3 Name: Frost : 2014-12-19 08:45 ID:IIN5veTM [Del]

I had the exact same problem. I used to study computer science in university but I wasn't really motivated. Before starting I thought I really wanted to do this, but when I got to it I realized I don't have any motivation at all. I started not showing up to classes until I couldn't keep up and eventually dropped it.

Now I'm studying Linguistics and I have to say I'm happy that I dropped Computer Science.
I found something I'm actually intersted in and now I even get really good grades.

4 Name: AsbestosX : 2014-12-19 16:03 ID:M5RYM0cZ [Del]

I don't think it's silly. I think MY aspirations might be a bit... out of proportion. I won't go into details but to put it to simpler terms, as an INTP I tend to have too many ideas on what I could/want to do. I dabble in pretty much any and every thing that comes to mind but since all things catch my interest it is hard to pinpoint what I want in life. I also happen to be incredibly lazy when it comes to carrying out the "necesary actions" required for the "major steps" in life. I would prefer to seek out information and further my understanding in multiple topics rather than specialize... This kind of additude is frowned upon in our society today. Your dreams might be feasible though ^^

I'm that kid in class who never studied and just breezed through on knowledge and "logic" when it came to the tests..... Yeah I'm that asshole ^_^'

5 Name: Kanony-ha : 2014-12-20 11:15 ID:a0qraMvk [Del]


6 Name: Mugen : 2014-12-20 15:27 ID:RVQjrXop [Del]

I know exactly how you feel, lol. I'm going through the same thing(Third year in college as well), and I can't face my parents or my friends back at college. It sucks. However, we can't give up. The more we try to ignore and avoid the problem, the bigger it'll become. We need to talk to our parents, despite how scary and unsettling it may be. Our friends could also help ease the burden, and give us the hope we need. The pathway to success is never easy, and sometimes we're late-bloomers. Don't give up yet! We can make it through this. You WILL make it through this, for it's just a bump in your path right now. You are intelligent, you are compassionate, and you are talented. "Believe in yourself; Don't fear failure." Stay strong, Yuna.

PS. it's funny, I haven't been on this site for nearly two years, and I somehow wandered back to it.

7 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-21 13:15 ID:9tStr1tx [Del]

Actually I am in the same situation trying to keep up and stay into computer science... In my case its the workload. I get to much to do and it lowered my grade.

Maybe if you are lucky and get to stay try and organise your work well and see if its to much to keep a workload that you feel comfortable with.

Also if you miss an assignment or two. At least try to attend. It might feel weird and you might think its stupid at least you learn the subject they spoke of instead of getting drilled in by the shame and getting further behind. If you want to complete the course then you are gone need to do it again later. Might as well learn as much as you can now to get it over with!

8 Name: Daydream : 2014-12-27 12:18 ID:jIp7tvY+ [Del]

The most important thing in college is that college is not the most important thing in your life. Build a life for yourself outside your studies. It will make studying much more fun.

9 Name: Yuma : 2016-04-10 14:18 ID:0egjFfa5 [Del]

Again after some time away from this site I'm back! Imagine that haha. But now that I'm in a better place than I was when I made this post, I decided to come back and look at this post. There was so much advice and support that I took from all of this and I'm glad that I did! Sure, I now have to apply for readmission at my old university but I'm learning a lot in the process and changing the way I viewed the world and my own life back then as well as discovering new things about myself.

What I really want to emphasize about this post though is how it brought some people together and got them to speak about the difficulties that they are currently experiencing. Sometimes we isolate ourselves when we are in situations like these because we're afraid no one will understand and in turn afraid of the reactions we might get from the people closest to us. But here, this post shows us that there are people out there who understand what we are going through

That gave me the little courage that I need in order to finally take action and control of what was happening in my life when I was failing in college. It also made me realize that sometimes, we ourselves can be our own worst enemies! When we go through these things, we make worst possible scenarios in our head constantly and because of that we sometimes scare ourselves away from speaking up and talking about the things that are hurting us inside. So I hope that more people see this post and that because of it they find the same strength that I found in knowing that there are others like us out there, that we are not alone and that our situations and what we go through do not define us! Together we can all pull though and help someone else who needs a helping hand just like we did!

P.S. - I will most likely be changing the name under which I post from now, just as a way to mark my own personal change. Stay on the lookout for Xros(pronounced "cross") in different threads

10 Name: Valdr : 2016-04-10 21:50 ID:+ghaLEea [Del]

>>9 I'll be studying Mechanical Engineering in the fall at a University. I gotta say, I look up to you for being at such a competitive school and having the guts to reapply. You go, you!

11 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-04-11 13:58 ID:33shRdq7 [Del]

Though I am not in the computer science, I can say that I actually relate to your situation because I'm not really motivated in the classes I'm taking. It's hard to be motivated in an environment that's not really inspiring. I'm also scared to tell my family that I think college isn't my thing; however, everybody expects me to go to college, so I'm pretty much screwed... The only thing I'm learning in class is that I'm always pulling bullshit out of my ass on my papers. Lmao!