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Mental ambition but no physical drive (3)

1 Name: KidNimbus : 2014-12-17 00:05 ID:EXjsHo0/ [Del]

You know those moments, where you have this idea, this mindset some kind of end-game goal right? Whether it's short term like What I want out of school or something or long term like What do I want out of life, if its small or big whatever. You can dream big ya know? And mentally you're totally down for it 100% but your body whatever the thing may be your body just does not let you become progressive no matter what.

It doesn't happen often but it happens enough to stumble me and I was hoping turning to you guys, maybe you'd shed a light on me. Tell me if you've gone through the same, how you got over it.

I'll give you more of a clearer view

To tl;dr I am diagnosed with Dysthymia and I do take medication for it, I'm rather content I guess for the most part now, I'm not saying sunshine comes out of my ass but I'm not in a bad mood or anything, My body just doesn't have any motivation.

I really want to draw, I wanna get better at LoL (Gold 1) I wanna do something productive, but my body won't let me. I tilt really easily when it comes to matches now, I can't seem to find an incentive to draw let alone an idea to sketch something out. Every line I draw has 'mistake' embedded in its very essence it's frustrating!

Anyway, I hope someone can help me out. Any advice would help a ton.

Thanks a lot! ^^

2 Name: Ron !19xSZYeuvw : 2014-12-17 00:47 ID:OboEsOaF [Del]

Hi KidNimbus,

I feel sorry for the illness, hopefully it will recover.

In my opinion, why don't you try finding a friend to join you along, because that's usually how I find my motivation.

3 Name: KidNimbus : 2014-12-17 02:33 ID:EXjsHo0/ [Del]

Maybe that's for the best.

No need to apologize but thanks for your input!

I'll look into it ;w;