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Help me come out of my shell and give me tips on weight loss. (6)

1 Name: Ness : 2014-12-13 17:14 ID:hNNN/abg (Image: 400x414 png, 114 kb) [Del]

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Hi guys i haven't posted in forever. (not like you post frequnty any way you like butthole) Rude subconscious is rude XD. so yeah IDK how many of you are actual out there that read my posts. So... any way let's begin. So I've always been the Shy Guy at school and no i'm not a Super Hunky DreamBoat that all the girls chase and giggle out of delight when they see me in the hall walking alone. I'm a chubby teddy bear sort of guy. I avoid any kind of confrontation and when i talk to one of my crushes or some one new that i think is really cool i go red automatically. So i want to ask you guys if you know how i can come out of my shell a bit more because I'm a sophomore now and i've been trying to do this for about 3 maybe 2 years. So anyway leave me some of that classic wisdom that some of you have and give. Second order of business i am overweight like 30 or maybe 40 pounds (Insert Metric system unit here if you use it) and I am aware of this i've know since the first day of P.E in middle school when i first had to change into my gym clothes. I want to lose weight but i am a very lazy person i plan to start in the summer because it's so cold outside my balls would freeze off. So again give me some advice guys. Love you all and I'll try to do more life updates and ask for more advice soon.

2 Name: Ness : 2014-12-13 17:22 ID:hNNN/abg (Image: 300x266 jpg, 30 kb) [Del]

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Another thing that i forgot to throw in there with the weight lose thing was that i fucking love to eat food, but my stomach seems to be shrinking i can't inhale as much food as i used to (that's right i Kirby down my food don't judge me) so yeah that's happening.

3 Name: Sen : 2014-12-13 19:20 ID:c09gG/CA [Del]

First of all, hi! I hope I can help in some way.
Now, I think it's good for you to know what your motivations are. Like, yeah, I know, hitting on the ladies and stuff. But you don't need to be pumped or skinny to do that! Heck, I've dated a guy who was the most shy and overweight and there was never a problem with it (and just to give an idea, he was called walrus by a little girl once).
So, if you really want to lose weight, go ahead! But do it for yourself!

Now, this is something I learned and it's helped me a lot (it's not weight related but I think it will help). Write down your excuses for not doing something about it. You know, even dumb things like "I don't have the time" or "I will burn out". If it's something important to you, you know you'll find the time to do it. If it's something important to you, you won't burn out. Put that paper somewhere you can read it easily. Every time you read you'll realize the silliness and you will push yourself harder.

Now, I don't believe you should stop eating those things you really love! Life has no meaning to me if I can't eat what I want, really. But maybe you could eat smaller portions. You know, not stuffing yourself until you feel absolutely full.

Another thing you can do is drink a glass of water everytime you feel hungry between meals. Most of the time, people are just thirsty. If you still feel hungry after that then go eat something small.

Now, as for the workout (because being skinny is not healthy and does not look good). I can't help you much with that. But instead of hitting the gym, that is, if you're not a gym person, maybe you could find something that suits your interests. Just to name a few, there is kendo, yoga, kick boxing, biking, WiiSports(?), etc. Try to find something that you're interested in! If you do that, you won't feel like it's a burden.

Good luck!

4 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2014-12-13 19:26 ID:7Fs9y9hl [Del]

Sorry bro, I don't have the greatest of advices but this might help you. When I wanted to lose weight, I ate far less than what I've been eating. (Like you, I LOVE to eat.) Especially at night, even if I'm not satisfied, or even a little hungry, I would stop. I rode my bicycle everyday too. For me, that worked out pretty good. I was able to shed 10 kilos in about a month.
One more thing, fat people look fabulous when they slim down! ;P

5 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-13 23:36 ID:pn8l4xyN [Del]

Umm...I'm also have the same problem as you. And Chi-chan...can't do anything about it --"
I am an unhealthy person and so err...usually I play games all day and eat less...just saying

6 Name: Amuna : 2014-12-14 06:03 ID:TJ67ez3h [Del]

Well the 'people' say weight loss is 80% diet and 20% excercise. You don't count calories you just ask yourself is that chocolate bar wat I really need that or is that just an excess food? Think about the goal of what you want and stay strong with it. It's like achieving a goal in life, it keeps you occupied. Don't count any calories eat what you want, but think about it before you do. Is this healthy and would I regret it later? Drinking water 30 min before dinner or lunch can reduce your food intake. As you feel less hungry. Drinking tea regularly is also is also good for weight loss, preferably green tea as black tea has too much caffeine. When you eat you don't feel full right away, you feel full after. So don't eat till you fell stuffed, stop eating when you are 3/4 full and never skip breakfast. Exercise? Engage in sport that's fun so it's not like a chore. Do it with friends to make it funner. Be determined don't have a 1 week determination and they next week start doing your same routine. If you don't like the cold, do an indoor sport such as indoor swimming, martial arts, gym. When you are starting are you going to actually do it? Are you up for it? Start the journey with having yes for those answers. If you feel weight loss will make you go out of your shell then go for it. I'm pretty sure people are fine the way with you are. It's what you feel about yourself that makes you do stuff.