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Fear of Flying (7)

1 Name: Triella : 2014-12-11 05:28 ID:WnLsOEJd [Del]

My parents signed me up for a field trip to Japan next year and I'm terrified. I've always suffered from both a chronic fear of heights and a fear of enclosed space, making planes my worst nightmare. Anyone got any tips for coping? I don't want to have to take any medication.

2 Name: BY5T4ND3R : 2014-12-11 06:17 ID:GRJgXcm9 [Del]

I don't know much of these kinds of things but I've heard that if you're panicking it helps to take a slow breath in for around 6 seconds then hold it for 7 seconds and then blow it out in 4 seconds and repead.
other tips would be to try to focus on something else maybe a book or a game. Sorry I don't have many tips I hope it helps somewhat at least.

3 Name: Sen : 2014-12-11 06:47 ID:c09gG/CA [Del]

Hum, as BY5T4ND3R said, focus on something else is a good idea. And controlling your breath too.

Your fear of enclosed spaces will be more difficult to cope with. I recommend you talk to an expert about that.

One last thing, going to Japan is a beautiful thing, don't let this ruin it for you! Think about what you're going to see and the places you'll visit! (this usually does help me feel better)

I'm sorry I can't provide you with any useful tips (there aren't), but this fear is something you have to overcome. Either by yourself or seeking a professional assistance. Maybe you could talk about it with your parents? Good luck, travel well.

PD: I highly recommend you buy bubblegum or something else to chew at. You're probably going to need it and chewing is a good stress relief.

4 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-11 07:13 ID:9tStr1tx [Del]

Siting closer to the middle of the plane. If you do that you will be closer to the open place. (Higher ceiling and the road were they move.) Not only that but you get away from the windows to see how high you are. Also it obligates you from doing other things to pass time.

I never been in a plane before but if you can get some sleep it will be good. It helps to cope with the change in the time zone and passes time. In this day and age passenger planes are usually pretty wide so other then the crowd you should be more or less fine with it.

As long as you don't fear crowded and packed areas or that you are not 6 feet up or more you should be able to manage.

5 Name: ryuhime : 2014-12-11 11:40 ID:Hfc4U4rJ [Del]

Often fear of heights is based off a fear of falling. If that's the case then just keep in mind that you can trust the pilot and the engineers. Keeping a positive mindset should help. Bringing an electronic would probably help as a distraction. For the fear of enclosed spaces I guess the best advice I can give is to maybe get up and walk around every once in a while (provided the seatbelt sign is off of course).

I'm actually the exact opposite when it comes to heights and enclosed spaces so I'm just basing this off what I do to deal with other fears. I hope this helps though.

Good Luck! And btw that is awesome that you are going to Japan.

6 Name: Triella : 2014-12-11 20:50 ID:YyU92KD+ [Del]

Thank you everyone! These are some great tips and just reading them is making me feel way less nervous about the trip. :)

7 Name: luka : 2014-12-11 21:23 ID:F9yvmEBC [Del]

you can do it! good luck and if you think its a ride then it will be fine