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imperfection (4)

1 Name: Akai Omera : 2014-12-07 13:09 ID:KuMa14aA [Del]

I used to hate myself. Every day I wear a mask and be someone else. I'm trying to not be hated by anyone. but I felt empty inside my heart while im not myself. and slowly I began to try to accept who I was. but sometimes I still often think, which one is better? loved but to be someone else? or hated but be yourself?

2 Name: Jennifer : 2014-12-07 13:27 ID:4lzy0YLh [Del]

>>1 hated but be yourself ofcourse.

You cant live forever lying to yourself.

If you stop wearing a mask and be yourself there will still be people with you or new people who would want to meet you.

So be yourself Akai-chan ^^

3 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-12-07 14:43 ID:nIMcpHve [Del]

I have kinda the same issue as you Akai, but I've kept it up for so long that I've kind of don't know what it means to be 'myself'.
So, my answer is not so black and white. What I would say is look at yourself, and ask if you like who you are. If you don't try and change until you find a personality type which you like being, and stick to that! I'm still in the process of finding 'myself' ^^;;;
Honestly, don't worry about what other people think. People come and go, and as long at you're not a complete asshole, then you'll find someone you click with.
Anyway, that's my two cents on this, hope that helped somewhat c:

4 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-07 21:32 ID:9tStr1tx [Del]

A person as usually 3 identities. They have a social life. A privet life and a secret life... Find who you are and how you act in each situations. But remember there will always be a part of your life dedicated to how you are.

Everybody as flaws and perks. Its just that we don't do enough varied action to discover them all. You could be sure to be worthless but in the end be world champion at something many would disregard.

Also you cannot be loved by every one. Because everyone expect different things. If someone expect you to be cheery and peppy, and someone ask you to be Goth at the same time. I believe you see where I am going with this. Just do what you like and stay with a compatible crowd! You will be fine.

Beside what can you do that would get you hated by every one?*Except a brutal crime*