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I don't really know how to say about this (9)

1 Name: March31 : 2014-12-06 08:46 ID:z9GbCD6+ [Del]

Well im 17 and I've had crush on a girl for erm 3 years I guess. For the first 2 years I didn't really did something but just keeping this a secret and when it's new years eve this year I kinda talked to her on Facebook and well she replies and so I asked for her number of course and well texting alot. Things are I tried to date her out a few times and even gave her chocolates on her birthday but erm for the dating thingy , she doesn't accepts nor refuse so Im kinda in a confusing state that whether she have feelings or not , and to mention that almost everyone in my grade and her grade ( shes one year younger than me ) knows that I have a crush on her. But I just don't understand why doesn't she accept or refuse. Or Im doing this in a wrong way? I really hope someone in Dollars could figure this out.
p.s and irl Im really shy when facing her and I so shy that i couldn't even see her in the eyes nor start a talk with her :/

2 Name: Usagichi : 2014-12-06 09:04 ID:4cgdlT+L [Del]

I can't help much with this, but I think you should build up your courage and try to see her eyes when you go to talk to her. Be confident in yourself. Easier said than done, I know, but that could be a deciding factor. Get close with her so that you're comfortable enough, but beware of the dreaded friendzone. Most importantly, don't try to be someone you aren't. I hope this helps even a little. ^.^

3 Name: the actor : 2014-12-06 09:48 ID:Njw31jI6 [Del]

yea, girls find confidence sexy as hell

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Colorless : 2014-12-06 18:52 ID:nNNj6ogd [Del]

>>3 yes they do! hahaha!
i'd say practice with someone or practice looking in a mirror. I myself have trouble looking at people in the eye rl even to my friends and family! I still wonder what eye color most of my relatives have. (it's bad i know...) but also, if it's been going on like this for a while I'd ask her if she sees this relationship going anywhere or not. list en and hear what she has to say ( yes both listen and hear) and take her words to thought. then go from there.

6 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-06 20:58 ID:6KSqoIRf [Del]

Well I guess you might be better not going out but hanging out first. See how things will go on from that point.

Don't do mirror. I feel it doesn't work well. Its not a real person and its easier to just force yourself a big leap then from the first reaction it settles in. You shall see! I never been able to talk to people until a month ago. And I realised that they didn't judge me that much and it was normal. You will understand how its not that big when you see the reaction of the first time you confront. Again it turned out to be quite simple...

Still if you have trouble speaking to her face then I find it hard on how you are gone go on a date with her. So you need to do this step one day if you want to advance.

7 Name: Masamune1 : 2014-12-07 03:18 ID:Hw7YHlBL [Del]

Try and be more confident, most girls will feel more comfortable around you if you act like your normal self and have nice long conversations. Try it and see if it works, if not then try to do something that she likes to do and make sure tomake her feel like she is actually being noticed.

8 Name: Colorless : 2014-12-08 10:59 ID:VzsKI/WO [Del]

but don't change everything you do for things she does. she's gotta like you for you. you can do her things but don't stop doing your things too. find good balance with that.

9 Name: Dummy : 2014-12-08 22:17 ID:/VVddIH4 [Del]

Some decent advice ITT.

Having trouble talking to girls? The trick is, to talk to everyone. The clerk at the cornerstore, your mail deliverer, the bus driver, the weird kids at school, etc. By practicing your verbal skills with the general population will you be able to converse with the one you really want to talk to much more easily.

With girls, it's all about give and take, push and pull. If you pull her towards you too much with too many phone calls or text messages/emails, and making yourself too available to hang out too often, she's not gonna be interested. On the other hand, if you push her away by ignoring her, then you will as well get limited results. At this point, it sounds like she is unsure weather she likes you or not. So, you have to force her to make a decision by asking her to hang out.

Don't worry about going on a date just yet: first, you need to get acquainted on a platonic level (getting to know one another). Go for a walk to the coffee shop with her or something. Don't do dinners or going to the movies until much later. Lay off the chocolates and presents: they serve more effectively as *rewards* for her attention and time directed towards you.