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My Crush (4)

1 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-12-05 22:17 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

So I have a crush on this Muslim boy at school and so because I really like him I looked up and I felt pretty stupid looking it up "i have a crush on a muslim boy" and some answers came up. It said stuff that is so true to what he does. I once stuck out my hand and I wasn't going to touch him or anything, but he backed away so hard and I was confused and then I saw "Do not make him commit sin by touching or kissing him" then he never looks at me when we talk, "He looks at ground because Allah says in Quran to believer men and women to keep our gaze down." and then to top it off it says it's bad for someone Muslim to marry someone who isn't of the same faith!!! I was so sad, because I really like this guy, I don't even consider it love, more like something above love if that's even possible. Anyways, what I'm asking help for on is, if anyone of you is Muslim could you tell me what I should do and not do and if it's even worth it for me to get serious about him?! I'm just so confused and it hurts inside for me to think that I might have disrespected his culture/religion in some way that I wasn't sure of.

2 Name: Usagichi : 2014-12-05 23:49 ID:4cgdlT+L [Del]

I'm not Muslim, but I really do hope that this gets worked out! Love and affection really really confusing things and I am aware of many other cultural/religious differences. I hope it works out for you though!

3 Name: Pudge : 2014-12-06 00:27 ID:9zchOL19 [Del]

I can't determine whether it's going to be worth it or not, ultimately it's up to you, but I think I can help you out a little being a Muslim myself.

You should probably want to keep physical contact to a minimal, people might think that it sounds stupid, not being to touch or even hold hands with the opposite sex. We were taught since young that women are gems, and men shouldn't taint their purity unless you have vow to be with her in life and death. It may seem too extreme but the it really it isn't, it's more about protecting the rights of woman and man alike. As for the eye contact, making eye contact with the opposite sex with lustful intent is prohibited, but avoiding eye contact when someone is talking to you is also considered rude and offensive. From what you wrote I presume he's still nervous around people of the opposite sex, it's good to give him some time, he'll probably get use to talking you and start looking at you properly.

Try talking to him, try to be his friend before anything else, get to know him better and he'll slowly open up to you, no point in rushing into something that you're not sure it might even work out. AS for the marriage outside of the religion isn't I can touch upon. Ultimately it's between you two, let's say you two get together and have the intent to get married, there will be complications, his family (depends on how devoted they are) will probably need you to convert to Islam, or vice-versa. It's going to be your call whether you want to or not, the road will be hard but if you think you really love him I advice you to learn about Islam, don't just read about it on the internet, you could probably ask him questions (will make for a good topic) and maybe there will be something you like about it or maybe not, who am I to say right?

This is probably all I can say, forgive if I've made any mistakes I've made and feel free to ask questions you have, I'll try my best to help. I wish you the best of luck!

4 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-12-06 00:56 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

Thanks guys.

>>3 really helped a lot. I do not a bit about Islam from my friend, but she moved and we don't have each others contact info so i can't ask her more questions, but yeah I just want to be his friend first, see where it takes me I guess. Thanks for explaining more into the physical touch and eye contact thing, because I was so confused from what I read. Thanks again ^_^