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Every day (6)

1 Name: Aleksmander : 2014-12-04 22:36 ID:98YheJMQ [Del]

Its gotten to the point that all i ever want to do is not wake up.
Everyone ignores me 90% of the time. They treat me like im a waste of space and dont exist.
All my 'friends' have ditched me except for one or two

Honestly, im never happy, all i usually think about is how much better ird be dead. Ive wanted to on many occasions. But i havent, its not because i'm scared, because im not. Its because i cant hurt my only friend like that. They are the reason i get up. And i barely get up.

Honestly, i just want to die

Im either lied to or used. Thats not even a exaggeration

2 Name: Miria : 2014-12-05 01:10 ID:P/L+1cDy [Del]

I read your thread and had to reply as I've been in a similar position myself. Those 'one or two' friends are truly all you need, so long as they are good friendships. You needn't be surrounded by people to be happy. Find a relationship to invest in, even if it is a friendship with one of the members here, or elsewhere online. Just one friendship can truly boost your outlook. As for during the day; why not go out of your way to do something nice for another person? Sounds corny, but it really does help to feel better. Find something you're interested in. Find a passion and/or a hobby, and explore it. Invest your time and effort into something you love. Make a list of the different things you find beautiful that day, and remind yourself it's not all bad. Make a goal - be it big or small - and set yourself steps to work toward it. What can you do to improve, what can you do to get there, how will you make it work? You get out of life what you put into it. It's a cycle, and the more you bounce back, the stronger and more positive you will become as an individual. Lastly, remember that this place you are in now will not be forever. The only way you will get out of it, however, is if you keep getting up in the morning, you keep going at life like a bloody machine. You find what makes you happy, and you chase it like a bullet. You aren't alone, no matter how much it may feel so.
In the case no one is around for you to speak to, here's the link to a free listening and venting site. 24/7.
The people here are generally quite friendly and helpful. I will check this thread each day, alright? I'm happy to talk through whatever you're trying to deal with. Keep at it, Aleksmander.

3 Name: Dummy : 2014-12-05 10:54 ID:4d3NTXa6 [Del]

Do your own thing. Forget your immediate social circle for a while. Focus on improving yourself in every aspect you believe need improving. Body feeling like crap? Get some exercise. Feeling mentally unstimulated? Read a challenging book (religious texts are especially good for this). Sick of your current sober mindstate? Do drugs.

Hope that helps.

4 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-12-05 13:43 ID:v8aWcuMU [Del]

Yeah, people are weird, they kind of ditch you for no apparant reason. I would say that this kind of thing happens to everyone, but I feel like I might be wrong about that, but it's happened to me and tons of other people.
This may sound kind of weird, but I would suggest playing video games. It's a good way to just ignore real life for a bit and go on an adventure or something. You can pretty much do the same thing reading a book or watching a movie, and it is helpful, but I suggest video games because you're more immersed in it. Just don't ignore your actual life completely, a lot of bad things can come out of that.
More importantly, listen to >>2 and >>3. Especially >>2.

5 Name: Cain : 2014-12-05 14:08 ID:PZMHqKhB [Del]

I've been in your possition before, it's rough out there, people are jerks BUT also they're quite interesting, the way they act defines who they are, or how they look. It's harder than most people say it is to make friends, but it's easy to just lay about all day and do nothing.

I got out of it by going online and doing stuff, finding places to go, and setting alarms so that I would get bored of being inside and go out. Then eventually I got over it and met people, ever since I have been happy.

6 Name: the actor : 2014-12-05 18:36 ID:Njw31jI6 [Del]

We see these all the time, what I did is I forgot my humanity, I took a knife and sort of "killed" the old me. You can try to fake your happiness, if an emotion is faked long enough, it has the potential to become real, You will have to shift your perspective of the world in order to escape the endless cycle you're putting yourself, keep on morphing yourself. monstrous? insane? people call me that, their silent words call me that, no, just logic.