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I can't get rid of it (6)

1 Name: Umbra : 2014-12-02 18:57 ID:Um8TH7CU [Del]

I'm suffering from an excessive envy, I can't focus on my life. I envy my friends because they got accepted to a university and I didn't got accepted. Not only is about college, also they have fun. I need help.

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-12-02 20:22 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

Well, I don't know how to cope with the college thing because I feel like if I were in the same situation I would have the same envy. Regarding the having fun, well, try to do something. In all honesty, it's probably the envy making you not have fun, so try to get over it, because you can't have envy become your whole life. Hope I helped somehow

3 Name: Dummy : 2014-12-02 23:52 ID:/VVddIH4 [Del]

Are you fcking kidding me pal? Post-secondary education is NOT the be-all end-all of anyone's existence. Our generation has been brainwashed by dastardly baby-boomers and delusional Gen-Xers into believing that the only time we can align our ducks in an ideal row in order to make that dream career materialize out of thin air, is in college. That the only time we will get to experience the best of what youth has to offer in the form of drinking, blazing, and having sex, is in college. Man, What a load of crap!

Stop acting self-entitled. Bummer ya didn't get into the institutions you wanted to, it's a tough break. Not the end of the world, though. Think your buds will be happy few years down the road after they graduate thousands of dollars in debt? Doubt it.

Unless you want to be a doctor, lawyer, dentist, etc, university is not the only channel to set up a career. Hard work always pays off. If the system is getting you down, then you'll need to be creative in order to work around it.

4 Name: Oden : 2014-12-03 01:34 ID:P8AUXFRb [Del]

I'm not sure about the education part but I'm an expert on fun ! UMBRA if your old enough wander into a bar make a couple of friends and if you're not try going somewhere new everyday i do this all the time and it's loads of fun discovering new places you never thought existed and you can do this pretty much everywhere you go ! And if those two ideas sound bad just find a new hobby or friend or go to a concert! and remember don't think too hard about it fun comes naturally~ live in the now ~ good luck m8 !~

5 Name: Water The Toxic Savior : 2014-12-03 07:26 ID:FXV5G6in [Del]

haha, you concern yourself with the status of others around you pretty highly, and i'm sure you have your reasons for doing that but take it from a guy who's been looking up at rock bottom from under it in the form of this quote from Baz Luhrmann; "Life is a race. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind, in the end it's only with yourself".

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6 Name: Star-chan : 2014-12-03 20:35 ID:QpsQZ5ak [Del]

Forget focus. Life doesn't require focus! Just have fun😝!!! (Not to much though)