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How to turn wishes to dreams? (5)

1 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2014-12-01 12:44 ID:qI8kekXX [Del]

Hi there. I hope you can help me on this.
It is my biggest wish (but not my burning desire or dream) that I could get into a certain college (called IIT). I'm currently studying for its entrance exam (which is the toughest exam in my country, India) at a special school of IIT, after completing highschool. I've completed half of its 1 year course now. I'm staying at their hostel and technically mobiles aren't allowed here ;) The test will be on May 24.

The questions are so damn tough and requires intense learning. The top guys here study for about 15 hrs daily. (I know.) I believe that I have the intelligence for succeeding in the exam, but I have to work really hard. I've been lazy in the past so I have to compensate for that too.

The only way I think I can do this is by making it my dream to get into that college. Sure, I wish for it but it's not enough. I've to be crazy about it. I have to start loving the idea. Sadly, I can't seem to do that and I'm finding it hard to get a rank in the top 100 in the weekly tests.

I know that this may seem strange to many people, but if anyone can give me ANY piece of advice, either big or small, on turning wishes into dreams, I would deeply appreciate it. Love ya guys! :3

2 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2014-12-02 12:33 ID:H38q3Aap [Del]

Bump. Anybody? It's ok even if the advice is just a tiny one or even if it doesn't make sense.

3 Name: Rorrun : 2014-12-02 12:39 ID:SFdvuCIE [Del]

Wishes or dreams are something else. That is just your goal. But nevermind that.
And since you are so determined already, is there even need to give you any advice?
Advice on what exactly? What you have written does not really make sense since you seem to have sorted out everything for yourself out already.

TL;DR Don't give up.

4 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-12-02 13:09 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

Accomplishing dreams is though, you going to have to study hard like your already doing and it's not going to end anytime soon. You are going to feel miserable, angry, may have some mood swings but I like to say that sometimes in life we have to become something we hate to accomplish our goals sometime. Even so never doubt yourself because when you do that will be the moment you lose. Just keep going, work hard as fuck and dreams will come true, I have experienced this and have seen this so I know it's real.

5 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2014-12-03 12:05 ID:E0fQgyh9 [Del]

:') Thanks guys.. Both of you really helped me! Each and every one of your sentences gave me helped me take one more step towards my goal :D
Rorrun, I was asking for advice to help me increase my desire for passing that exam. That's what it is, advice to increase my desire. I should have written it that way.
Celestial envoy, thanks for all that you've said. But, working hard is what I suck at. If you really want something, then you would automatically work hard for it, right? So, that's why I made this thread. How to make something that I WANT to something that furiously DESIRE.
Sorry for bumping this again, but it's important.