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Bullying Special? (10)

1 Name: SEOSHI : 2014-11-30 20:38 ID:bn3zb80J [Del]

Hello my fellow Dollars- I have to address this.
Look, I understand that I may be a little rash right now but THIS affects me on a personal level. 
And you all will understand why in a little bit.

My wonderful dollars, here at this site we take notice of bullying and we end it right there. I suppose it isn't just a dollars thing but rather a humane thing to do. To stop the innocent from suffering.
This concept is located almost everywhere on this site.
Punks who do wrong are being delt with by amazing individuals.
I would like to pause now and thank you all for doing what's right.
Thank you.
Continuing, even though we have this system on this site, in the real world there are victims too.
Victims like Special children.
Special Children are kids who have a disability of some sorts.
And my kid brother is one of them.
(EDIT: I realize how BAD that sentence sounds. Oh god, I didn't mean it that way.)
And it f#cking pisses me off when I hear some punk@$$ kid, acting like he/she OWNS the place, being rude and disrespectful towards those who are different. Not just kids with disabilities, Colour, origin, likes and dislikes too.
So when my brother broke down in front of me today, telling how that monster hurt him.
I....wanted to kill myself.
I am the older one. 
I am supposed to be protecting him.
And I failed dammit.

At this point I feel dead. I f#cked up so bad. 
I kinda forgot what I was gonna ask you all to do.
Like, I don't know if I want to ask for support right now, because I don't think I deserve it. Every. Single. Victim does.
I don't know if I just wanna post the f#ckers face on here and the name and school. So all you can hurt him. But I can also make him stop. 
I...don't know.

stop the jack@$$es who do wrong. Please.
Protect the fallen and defend the victims.

Because I know that I didn't. And that's how I f#cked up.
I'm sorry for not being a great sibling.
I'm sorry for tarnishing the Dollars Name.
I'm sorry for calling myself a Dollar now.
I'm sorry.
Please, please do what I couldn't.

2 Name: Fazeon : 2014-11-30 21:55 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

You're right on the fact that people shouldn't bully. And that they should be stopped and given a lesson. Believe me, I do. However...

There is always going to be someone out there who is going to be racist, offensive, hurtful, and much worse. You can't stop that. There are any methods to stop this, one of them being tellig them to stop, and if they don't, leave the offender. Keep in mind you can't always protect your brother from everything, and although he may be special needs, teach him to walk away from those kind of situations and not get involved in them. You aren't going to always be there for him, and unfortunately, that's how it is. There will be times like these.

However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't stop yourself from trying. This is just one lesson out of many within the life that you live. Being a Dollar means you like to help others at your own free will. So stop thinking that you're tarnishing our name, and that you're not a great sibling. You're bringing yourself to a state that you honestly shouldn't be on. If you feel like being there, so be it. From my perspective, however, realizing you have made this mistake makes you a better brother from what you were before. Simply learn and change.

3 Name: SEOSHI : 2014-12-01 00:16 ID:bn3zb80J [Del]

Man that was deep.
Thank you Fazeon, what you said really helped.
I understand that the world isn't a fair place (believe me, i know).
But....I guess it was the shock.

Thanks man. God bless you.

4 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-01 10:07 ID:fgl1QvdJ [Del]

Something that I did many many times. It is effective, but NEVER do it.

I just waltz in and try to stop them and all the hatred in the end of my work gets pointed down to me. Its an horrible way to deal with it, but at least I suffer greatly to reduce the numbers...

Most importing thing when steping in is making sure to not aggravate the situation. A simple word could piss them off for good.

There is the saying everyone as a price... If he is bullying it must be for a reason. And since everyone is different, even victimes and bullies its hard to get what he needs to make im stop. But if you ever get in the witness stance please step in or leave. Many wants a puplic for there doings... Money isn't the only thing one can give! A thug might just want the home or the fame...

5 Name: SEOSHI : 2014-12-01 11:18 ID:fS8jr9bV [Del]

Yeah Little Rat, I'm used to sacrificing myself for the benefit of the innocent majority.
I guess sometimes not pissing off the jack@$$es IS a great idea. But I always have this nagging feeling that they deserve a few good "bumps" to the head. Dude...I can't even....

It mostly is never about the money. But fame does play a role.

Thanks for your comment.

6 Name: Tagori !MJz/VilEkE : 2014-12-01 15:14 ID:FJ2B0Ytz [Del]

I understand how you feel about not doing anything, but that is in the past, and can't be changed... however, the past is meant to be learned from, which is something you seem to have done. the past is already written, but the future can be changed by remembering what you learned from the past.

remember, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

7 Name: Kyroskiller : 2014-12-01 18:34 ID:s3H6w13b [Del]


8 Name: SEOSHI : 2014-12-01 20:28 ID:bn3zb80J [Del]

Tagori, your comment help made me understand more.
Thanks man.
Kyroskiller, thanks for bumping.

9 Name: Tagori !MJz/VilEkE : 2014-12-02 14:42 ID:FJ2B0Ytz [Del]

I try to help when i can, and am always willing to lend an ear.
something i should have said before is that you just need to accept your past for what it is and encourage yourself to make a better future.

10 Name: SEOSHI : 2014-12-02 21:19 ID:bn3zb80J [Del]

Ok I will.
I mean, it's gonna be hard, BUT I will try!
Thanks for lending an ear. Bless Ya.