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uhhhh wat? (12)

1 Name: Rada : 2014-11-27 03:09 ID:AM6gJIek [Del]

I just found out that my best friend's girlfriend has feelings for me and because she told me that I ended up admitting that I have feelings for her as well. I'm really worried about how things are gonna go now and any advice you guys could offer would be appreciated.

2 Name: phoenix : 2014-11-27 07:30 ID:0uLYvMxh [Del]

take some time to think about if you really have feelings for her,if you can imagine yourself married to her then you love her. If that really is the case then expalin this to your friend,talk to your friends togeather and try to brake the news as gently as possible. your friend willl be really upseat about the brake up but he should be able ot pull though. give your friend space to be alone but be there when needed. just be sure feelings are mutal on both sides!

3 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-27 08:47 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

Bro ya done fucked up. I never do that with my friends even when their girl was trying to grind on me in the club im like "no, im not that drunk to fuck around with you". The real problem is that you caught the feels for this girl so now there is no turning back. You like her, she likes you, it sounds like you two getting together is a good idea. Now the problem is your friend, whats going to have to happen is that this girl is going to have to break the news to him since she in in the relationship. Is your friend going to be pissed at you? Yea, probably, is he going to stay pissed at you? That depends on him, if he values your friendship or not.
There's one more thing you could consider as well if you want, like "is this worth it"? You like her but are you looking for a serious relationship or just someone to have fun with? If yes for serious relationship go for it, if your just looking for someone to have fun with I would normally encourage that but why risk your friendship for that when you can just simply find someone else. Put it simply, is she someone that's somewhat special for you or just a fun girl (and there is a lot of other fun girls).

4 Name: " " : 2014-11-27 23:38 ID:6IhYqtPv [Del]

Bros before hoes

5 Name: Clay : 2014-11-28 00:09 ID:zMpD3ZQZ [Del]

My god are you me from the past? It all turns out good I promise. You get with the girl your best friend hates you and you and your girl friend both lose your virginity on the 20th day of dating. That all happened to me...

6 Name: Rorrun : 2014-11-28 13:14 ID:SFdvuCIE [Del]

Friend or a girlfriend. Choose one.

7 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-11-28 14:47 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

Why the fuck would you want to date someone who's willing to casually turn around and confess to someone else? Do you think you're special or some shit and that what she did to your friend will never happen again? No. If she's willing to break it off with him the second she decides, "Tee hee, I like this guy better!" then she'll probably do the same to you the second a better guy comes around.

You're not as special as you think. She just finished riding her other boy and is hopping to another, as she'll do once she's worn you long enough.

Friends before fuckers. Forget your confession, warn your bro she's a slut, and move on.

8 Name: Ness : 2014-11-28 15:08 ID:0/lpTQyC [Del]

BarabiSanma That's kinda good advice but umm a bit ruff you know. Yes the girl is acting unfaithful but you shouldn't do that to people. Rada you should tell here your not intrested and sit down with her and your friend and you three should talk it out.

9 Name: LittleRat : 2014-11-28 15:55 ID:6KSqoIRf [Del]

Mhhh ok this is a tricky one. How long have they been going out? And how did you confess to her and her to you. I mean its better be on the safe side of things and I myself never dated so I do not know how it would end up like this.

1.state of mind when confession happen. If it was just because of an argument with im that she would go like that it is pretty lame.
2. Ask yourself and her how long since they felt that way.
3. What type of person is your friend. A good friend might still stay once this all go. Ps: If the dude is borderline personality or something you dug your grave... hum just a piece of advise that you should consider who you dealing with.
4.Ask yourself if it is really *WORTH* it and make sure you will never get bored and just up and go.
5. Consider your friends emotion in all of this and how they met. If you both were there but he just happened to make a move first you might whant to let it slide.

I could go on like this but this is a good start...

Just remember that no matter what happens *DO NOT DECIDE TO GO OUT WITH HER, BUT LEAVE YOUR FRIEND IN THE DARK!*

10 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-11-28 18:38 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>8 If you're unfaithful, your partner deserves to know what's going on, and you deserve whatever results from it. People need to learn how to dump their current partners before trying out others when it's not an open relationship, and she's an asshole in the first place if she's seriously putting this kind of decision on OP. She doesn't deserve a chance to "talk it out", imo.

Besides, putting the three of them together to have a discussion about this could end very badly depending on how socially adept OP is and his friend's temperament. It wouldn't take much for her to mess up the conversation (and their friendship) even worse with a few badly chosen words.

11 Name: LittleRat : 2014-11-28 21:49 ID:6KSqoIRf [Del]

True this is why I said to sort out those things. But tell it to your friend ONCE this is all over and if the thing decides to die off then better not tell him at all.

12 Name: Rada : 2014-11-29 00:51 ID:AM6gJIek [Del]

Okay, so all that's happened is that we've confessed to each other. They've been together for I think 4 years now and as far as I know everything is going alright with their relationship. To answer some questions, I'm looking for a serious relationship like I always am, never just something to play around with, but I'm not about to mess up theirs, and yes I can honestly see myself marrying this girl, but that could also be because I've really gotten to know her and out of all the girls I've been with I've never had this kind of connection with anyone. She isn't trying anything with me and vice versa, she said she just doesn't know what to think and I told her that I'm not gonna get between them. I told her to let her relationship run it's course, because I'm not gonna mess with it at all or let her mess it up and basically we go on like we never said anything, which apparently seems hard for her.