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Please Help me with my Procrastination (9)

1 Name: Mikuknot : 2014-11-26 23:51 ID:p86GTaB4 [Del]

So, I consider myself below the average I.Q, because I'm only fourteen. I don't have enough knowledge/experience to have the I.Q. of an average adult, in my opinion.

However, I think I am fairly smart. I am in Honors English at my school, and I am in Honors Math, and I have a 4.0 at school, currently. I sit fourth chair cello out of the eighteen at my school, (I am in eighth grade, btw) and I am part of The National Junior Honors Society.

I have a problem, though, with procrastination. Last night, I wrote my entire English Essay about Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy's inaugural speeches, and I stayed up until 2 a.m.

I try to balance it out, but I have so much other homework and studying that it's really hard. I also have my cello lessons and NJHS meetings on top of that.

I shouldn't complain, I am really luck that I live in a place where I can get a good education and I am supported by my family, but I think I need help.

Does anyone have tips for planning out how to divide one's school work throughout the week? I could really use some tips. Thank you so much!

2 Name: Handle : 2014-11-27 02:34 ID:UNXn7UkJ [Del]

I'm not exactly sure that that's how IQ works, but in any case, procrastination is an issue that many, even adults face. I don't think it really has much to do with your level of intelligence, but more-so to do with stress and dealing with stress. Considering your current commitments, there's little wonder as why you might be having procrastination issues.

Coming from someone currently studying to be a teacher, the fact that you've stayed up until 2 to complete work is insane. I know that there's probably worse out there, but doing so at 8th grade is only going to start bad habits that might have repercussions later on.

What you'll probably need to do is just timetable yourself better. Draw up a physical timetable of your week, and keep it somewhere where you'll be able to see it easily. Do it. Make multiple copies if you really have to. You need to really visualise the amount of time you have left to yourself, that's not allocated to your meetings or school or your cello lessons. Those free spaces are your starting point, and you need to decide how you're going to use them.

I highly suggest you don't skimp out on breaks. Try doing 45 minutes of work, then have a 15 minute break and adjust it from there. If you're really stressed out, take a 25 minute break, but try not to stray too far from time limits. There are many applications out there that would block certain websites for an allocated amount of time, so you just need to search for one that's good for you. If your browser can use a 'pomodoro' kind of app that would ensure you sticking to those constraints, then that's recommended as well.

Anyways, that's pretty much all you need to do in terms of time management, but if you need more help all you need to do is ask! Good luck with everything. :)

3 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-27 08:55 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

I remember that I did the same thing back in high school, but I wasn't a successful as you XD
But you sound pretty well off already, so all you have to do is manage your time well. I like what >>2 said, you should try to follow that. Your not in trouble yet so there is plenty time to change this and that's the best part of asking this question sooner than later (at least to didn't put this off to the side for a while, so you already sound like your on the right path).

4 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-11-27 11:50 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

IQ means Intelligence Quotation, which how smart you are naturally, and you seem to have plenty of that. So don't underestimate yourself, stand tall and proud! Quizzes say I have an IQ of 120, but I the internet lies alot =ω="
ANYWAYS back on topic. I agree with >>3. Along with my school agenda where I write down my homework, I have a planner in my backpack as well to organize myself. How long I take a break when I get home, how long I do my homework, how long I should study etc. I would recommend trying something like that! But you have to check it as much as possible, make it a habit to write down everything and to check it at least 3 or 4 times a day. So far it's working for me, all I have to do is to try not to get side tracked every 2 minutes orz Good luck! ^^

5 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-11-27 14:20 ID:VbPo6HKH [Del]

>>1 You waste a lot more time than you think, that's all the advice I can give. There's a lot more spare time you aren't doing anything than you realize. For me, I basically just work if I have work. I don't do anything else. I take breaks every hour for 5 minutes, like right now. I don't take larger breaks than that if I'm not ahead.

I don't go to be some nights at all working, so I get that. that was due to bad planning on my part, though. Also, realize you don't necessarily have to hand everything in. Losing some marks is okay as long as you get the big stuff done. If you ever go to University, this is very, very key. You won't be able to do all the work and do everything else you want.

That's my 2 cents. Good luck! Remember most people are in the same boat as you, myself included!

6 Name: Frost : 2014-11-30 17:44 ID:0AxafomT [Del]

I think you confuse Intelligence with Knowledge. Knowledge is something every human being can aquire but Intelligence is something that you are born with. It is subjective in some respect and you can improve it if you train your brain.

7 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-11-30 18:00 ID:Oq8UoqKt [Del]

>>6 >Knowledge is something every human being can aquire but Intelligence is something that you are born with.

Intelligence is a skill everyone can learn. Some people are born with a greater affinity for it.

8 Name: idon'tknow : 2014-11-30 22:51 ID:8KTWse+z [Del]

Follow the Nike quote


Have little breaks in between but remember to just do it! Even if the circumstances are not the best you power through and give yourself time to rest in between things. A good solid 15-20min should be enough and if you have a lot then suggest 5-15min.

9 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-01 10:16 ID:fgl1QvdJ [Del]

Carpe Diem ''seize the day'' Do the work you get on that day as soon as you can and go on like that.
Study when you have free time or build your life around a schedule.

As soon as you manage to catch up to your work load try this principle. Its a pain and fairly boring, but it gets things done fast and easily. Its not even that bad and then you are free of worries.

Ho and about smarts. There is street smarts and academic smarts. It is earned true experience or personality. Don't you guys try to fake it it wont work unless you get an intence conditioning and even that as its limit. (You know something, but the other one will think outside the box) You can't really train yourself to think about something you never think of, unless you get major life changing events.