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Weird dance case (9)

1 Name: KuudaraYan : 2014-11-25 23:54 ID:nOgcfvij [Del]

Hello, nice to meet y'all. I'm here to talk about Amy.

Me and a huge group of friends, while attending to a con, got to meet a really sad girl. We wanted to cheer her up, even not knowing here, it felt we couldn't just leave her there, so we gently introduced ourselves and started dancing a little ugly dance to her.

She laughed and we became friends.

After some time she told me she was really sick and sad. Depressed and all. I tried my best to keep her mood up, but this is not something easy, I've been thru it myself.

A while after she killed herself. And I'll never forget this sensation. But wanted to turn it into something good.

Now, me and my friends want to spread it thru cons, how a simple act can make a person smile, maybe change their life a little.

It may not have been helpful to this beloved friend of ours, but I'm sure (as someone who's been thru lots of things these past years) that no matter who comes, if it's gentle and sweet it puts a smile on our face and streght in our hearts.

It may not change people's minds, but may change their days...and for me it really is meaningfull.

After all this, I wanted you guys to take care of your beloved ones, and never miss the chance to meet someone who may be in need of your care, even if you can't give much.

Hope we can save some hearts by doing this.

Thank you very much!

2 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2014-11-26 02:27 ID:FB3lnKI3 [Del]

Wow man.. I won't be forgetting this soon, I'll do what I can..

3 Name: colorless : 2014-11-26 08:28 ID:nNNj6ogd [Del]

I have been through depression and got out and yes it is hard but you can and it was possible with the help of friends and them making me laugh. and I've been the one to try and cheer my friend up for three years. it's difficult I know. but I can't imagine my friend killing herself. I'm sorry for what happened but you do write for encouragement and I believe this will help others to take notice of other people. thank you

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-26 10:42 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

Warms my man heart to hear your story. It's a beautiful message and it makes me smile.

6 Name: KuudaraYan : 2014-11-26 11:26 ID:qg+7N1II [Del]

I really hope other people get inspired by this to protect others, so we can all grow and learn together.

Kannon! Don't let it weight on your shoulders, but do whatever you can to help others and yourself as well!

Colorless! Thank you so very much for your comment. Let's keep fighting! And remember you're not alone! Please keep being so kind with everyone.

Celestial Envoy! I'm SO HAPPY I made you smile! Smile it BIGGER this time! Hihi <3

Thank you guys. This means as lot.

7 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-11-26 12:39 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

Put this on the Missions board all well It is SCREAMING to be put on there. This sotry of eally touching and I wish the best of luck to you and your friends! ^^ I'll certainly do it, if I'm able.

8 Name: KuudaraYan : 2014-11-27 12:46 ID:qg+7N1II [Del]


I put there as you suggested! Thank you! And I wish you the best as well!!! <3

9 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-11-28 07:36 ID:6e+WT6x2 [Del]

I see...that was sad indeed...