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Trying to Help Someone Out (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-24 20:13 ID:6HYliVn6 [Del]

I have this friend(well, more like acquaintance) at my school and I follow her on Twitter. I just recently got back on Twitter and saw some of her tweets. Her most recent one said, "I'm a piece of shit" I want to say something positive to cheer her up, but I don't really know anything about her. I see her around school and she's really pretty and her recent tweets told me that she makes really delicious cookies but that is all I know. What am I supposed to say to her?

2 Name: colorless : 2014-11-24 20:53 ID:nNNj6ogd [Del]

if it were me, and an acquaintance of mine said that in her tweet, I'd probably go to her after or before school and ask her what's up. and casually mention you noticed the tweets. or message her over twitter ( wait.. can you do that because I don't have a twitter...) and ask there so you'd have more time and she doesn't feel weird in person ( people are better at saying their feelings in the dark or when not face to face ) a few options there. hope it helped. and always a "hey how are you?" and a friendly smile could help too.

3 Name: darkmasterley : 2014-11-24 21:54 ID:Hxnp6SqQ [Del]

I'm not good at girls.... they are complicated. ..haha

4 Name: Kannon : 2014-11-25 01:45 ID:afgmRL/S [Del]

>>2 I suppprt that!

5 Name: The actor : 2014-11-25 13:23 ID:QU3csyJh [Del]

>>3 lol

6 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-25 13:47 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

>>2 That

7 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-11-25 15:17 ID:hKVxA5O4 [Del]

>>3 I could say the same about boys. But, I think the problem is more human beings than anything else.

I think >>2 got it right on. Remember that she's a human like you. If you're feeling really bad, and you feel like you're a piece of shit, it makes a difference when someone just cares about you. Knowing someone is thinking about you is very uplifting. It gets more and more impacting as time goes on too. You could say knowing someone cares about you is the reason people fall in love. I would say it's probably one of the most important things in life.

So, in summary, letting her know you care about her is more important than you think. Even a simple gesture that doesn't seem to mean much on its own could be really helpful. What do you have to lose? Show her that Dollars spirit! :-D