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I feel depressed (5)

1 Name: Griol !Kvsv.pc8OA : 2014-11-22 18:24 ID:QvGXPseO [Del]

Hi everyone ! As i've said in the title, i feel depressed, and the reasons why i feel like that are a bit "weird" i think. Long story short, I feel i'm not born in the good world. I find everything boring, i have friends but i feel extremly alone. I also have a lot of "hardcore" nightmares, like one per night.

So, my moral is really at the lowest point now. When i'm awake, i'm bored and feel alone ; when i sleep, nightmares comes.

Someone is in the same case as me or have some advice ?
Sorry for my "meh" english and thanks for reading :)

2 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-11-23 01:27 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

I think you need to look at things from a new angle. Shake your life up a little. Do one new thing a day. Like, walk a different way, eat somewhere new... Just keep doing new things as much as you can.

3 Name: darkness sword : 2014-11-23 05:10 ID:CG5tgTAa [Del]

personally i fell the same most people cant understand me and nothing ever happens every day is the same and honestly the world is not so great but don't give up am sure something interesting gonna happen and if not many people understand then find the ones that do i understand you

4 Name: Griol !Kvsv.pc8OA : 2014-11-23 07:58 ID:QvGXPseO [Del]

Thanks for the advice Slacker :)

I had a friend who understand me, but she's like 450km away now and without without a car or money to take the train, i'm not really able to go see her :/ ^^

But i'm not giving up, maybe i'm not happy, but if I can make other people happy it's good for me.

5 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-06 21:07 ID:6KSqoIRf [Del]

Spend some part of the day doing things you still feel stuff towards. And for nightmares maybe try and draw and think about super bad ass characters.

Make your own hero and the more you think about it the bigger the chances of it getting in your dreams... Its one way to try and get it to clean it all. Other then that might be therapy but then again is the nightmares bad enough to be in the post traumatic class?

If you can't sleep try doing something else and then try again. Either get yourself physically exhausted or mentally to have blank nights or imagine supper awesome stuff or things you still find funny and hope it ends up overlapping the jump scares. (Yes when you jump of your bed screaming I think It can count in the jump scares section)