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Normal music please? (11)

1 Name: SwEeToRaNgE : 2014-11-18 19:48 ID:rRkbF9Ub [Del]

My mom and I had a fight today. It was because I was singing in japanese.
So I'm listening to my music in the car, and I'm singing along in japanese, alright? She tells me to shut up because I sound like an idiot. Things fumed, and then she yelled at me, "Why cant you just listen to normal music like the other kids?"

...Welll then.

She then said that if I don't stop listening to, quote on quote, "japanese trash", then she'll smash my mp3 and I'll be banned from using the computer, even for homework. Because i listen to japanese music.

Aaaaand, she's a Jesus freak so she wants me to listen to christan holy songs too.

...SOOOOO... Anyone got some "Normal Music" out there? So that I can finally "fufill" my mother's wantings of a normal american child?

2 Name: ZAK : 2014-11-18 20:17 ID:3mOCstk9 [Del]

that's just wrong. I mean that is your thing and being a jesus freak is her thing. I mean what is wrong with japanese music, I got a ton in my PC. and I even put it in max volume with no headphones on. I mean i have normal songs too, but we like japanese songs the most. also she calls it "japanese trash" that is just so wrong, my parents are religious, and they won't go that far to call my japanese music trash. also Japanese songs also have meanings into it, even someone who doesn't understand japanese can feel does meanings coming into them. the first time i heard a japanese music, i don't even understand what they are singing, but it made my eye tear up as if it's conveying something, so I tried to look for the lyrics and tried to translate it online. what i found out is that the lyrics is full of sad things. one can convey their own feelings through music and painting, even if you don't completely understand, you feel the emotions poured in it. you enjoy listening to japanese music right? then tell her, that you are getting normal songs, but also tell her that you aren't dropping the japanese songs, you can't just give up on what you like, it will kill your will off slowly. BTW how old are you? if you are almost 18, then move out of your place and if you want to help earning money for your parents, visit them and give them money once in a while. therefor, keep what you like, and you are still helping with the family.

3 Name: kanra : 2014-11-18 20:19 ID:IAwJWqFr [Del]

Try metal and rock and if your mom asks say that that's what kids these days listen to, after that i'm pretty sure she would accept "Japanese trash" a lot more

4 Name: ZAK : 2014-11-18 20:29 ID:3mOCstk9 [Del]

>>3 agreed, but he would actually lose more of what he have. and forget rock, because there's such things now like christian rock. if SwEeToRaNgE said rock, then it would be thought of as christian rock. I suggest Punk, Metal, Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga ( even if i don't really listen to it)

5 Name: Law : 2014-11-19 03:49 ID:felZofPD [Del]

Two options, 1 stop listening to music all together. 2 Play "My Anaconda don't" at full blast... that's what normal people listen to right? I don't wan't to take this to a religious place, but a quote from House is, "If you could reason with religious people there would be no religious people."

6 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-19 05:40 ID:KAGgDWKu (Image: 511x571 png, 249 kb) [Del]

src/1416397238838.png: 511x571, 249 kb
Buy a fedora and keep being a weeb.
It's okay that your mom doesn't understand your obviously superior intelligence and cultured view on the world.
That's what she gets for being religious.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-11-19 14:04 ID:v8aWcuMU [Del]

Music is defined as 'an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color'. By this logic, anything with a series of different notes is music, no matter what language it's in. The only thing that I can think of that isn't 'real music' would be smashing a guitar (or a piano or basically any instrument). If it was me, I would keep listening to music in whatever language I wanted, just maybe not sing to it if that gets on peoples' nerves. (There is a lot of good music in English, though, so it's not a bad thing to have some variaty.)

Either that or blast really terrible/obnoxious mainstream music super loud, and when she tells you to turn t off, tell her "You told me to listen to real music, didn't you?" (I would not suggest this, even though it might be kinda fun to do.)

9 Name: Tagori : 2014-11-19 14:08 ID:n81MLBiZ [Del]

>>6 don't go bashing people simply because they believe what they believe. i'm not religious myself, but i understand that people see the world differently.

as for the main point of this post, i agree with >>3. You need to show your mother that what you listen to is actually much better for your character when compared to what is considered "normal" now. Though your mother also has a problem accepting people that don't see things the way she does. If possible, show her how being into all the Japanese stuff has actually helped you become a better person.

10 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-11-19 17:32 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

Bullshit. Listen to >>9 >>8 and >>2

11 Name: the actor : 2014-11-19 19:24 ID:Njw31jI6 [Del]

well... maybe you should explain to here the meaning of the songs you sing, like i know that a lot japanese music is very poetic and happy (some of it isn't). And them tell her that the music "normal" kids listen basically ALWAYS will have some kind of mention or sex,drugs,partying all night and getting drunk and so on. If this doesn't work, then I know that there are some actually decent dubs of japanese songs too (one of my favorite is nano). If this does not help, then explore pandora stations and other genres of music in english you might like. If I'm not listening to "ching-chong music" as my brother likes to call it, I'm listening to bands. Remember to handle situations like these maturely and keep a cool head, in a verbal disagreement, the one who is the most mature about the situation is usually the one that prevails maybe tell her what kind of effect it has on you, for me it makes me happy and relaxed or reminds me about my happy, innocent past (innocent, happy me = gone :/ ) . I hope you and your mother find a compromise somehow! best of luck to you!