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Guilty? Why? (13)

1 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-18 03:43 ID:BYhczQEs [Del]

Hi fellows!
I suppose to have a problem...

I feel always guilty, even when a car let me pass through the crossroads!
(sorry, my english is bad)

SEE?! I do it all the time, I always apologize and say sorry to everyone.
I'm afraid that this could be annoying ç_ç

Why I do it? Is there any psychologist? Anyone?

2 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-11-18 04:23 ID:WHTF9o3t [Del]

It's ok. Don't worry about it, it's natural. (Sorry that I can't help you more)

3 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-18 04:30 ID:BYhczQEs [Del]

Everyone feels sorry! ^-^

Yep... but I feel bad T_T

4 Name: Julie : 2014-11-18 05:23 ID:vC9Vzwpo [Del]

It happens to me all the time! I say Thanks and Sorry at everything >~~~<

5 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-18 05:33 ID:BYhczQEs [Del]

I think that probably there is an inner reason for that...
Maybe a real reason (I mean a big reason) to feel guilty.

But I can't find mine çwç

6 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-18 07:26 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

Sounds like you're just being polite.

7 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-19 03:44 ID:BYhczQEs [Del]

Too polite, trust me..

8 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-19 03:45 ID:BYhczQEs [Del]

I say "sorry" to things...

While walking in the kitchen... *stomp* "Err.. sorry table!"

9 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-19 18:20 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

Sounds like your a Canadian for saying "sorry" all the time.
Anyway you sound like you just need more confidence in what you do. You don't have to apologize like what you did just now, be confident like "Hey my English is bad but im going to say this anyway", makes sense? Yea, confidence and assertiveness is what you need to practice.

10 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-24 07:08 ID:BYhczQEs [Del]

I'm italian xD
I suppose you're right

11 Name: Lawli !dweebQgsDc : 2014-11-24 11:31 ID:jNIqPlog [Del]

I used to do this so, so much a few years ago. It seems to have been linked at least partially to my confidence, but don't worry too much about it. Just remember that not everything requires an apology! If you're working on your English, just let the people know. You can say, "I'm sorry if I'm hard to understand, please let me know if you need something cleared up," for courtesy reasons, but don't feel like it's your fault. It's not something that you can help!

I wish you the best! Get that confidence up, friend, because you're rad. :)

12 Name: Minus!pDyHU0r2E. : 2014-11-25 11:35 ID:5DgOx4TY [Del]

This might sound out of topic, but start a sport and get into competition. That will give you confidence. Trust me.

I started running a while ago and I won the 5k race just after a few weeks of practice. That boosted up my confidence A LOT.

Go for a run. Push your limits. You don't need a psychologist for confidence. Just do a sport. Go into competitions.
I'm pretty sure that will work for you too.

13 Name: senchan : 2014-11-26 06:16 ID:l0ATSIB7 [Del]

XD I'm a psychologist. Hahahaha. But yeah, not here to do that stuff. Just here to let you know that being overly apologetic may mean a lot of things, mainly:

1.) You don't want to inconvenience people.
2.) You don't want to sound rude.
3.) You're very used to apologizing.
4.) You have a general fear of being rejected or negatively appraised by people.
5.) All of the above.

Contrary to what Minus said, it's not all about confidence. It might also be about how you want to be viewed by others. I also apologize for things that I don't need to apologize for but that's because it's a knee-jerk reaction (i was a very naughty kid growing up so it's kind of drilled into me to apologize). Overly apologizing can make people feel weird and a little disgruntled as well as annoyed especially if they know that there really isn't anything to apologize for. A friend of mine told me that as an exercise to stop myself from overly apologizing, I should ask myself what I'm apologizing for before I even apologize. If what I did didn't hurt anyone then I shouldn't apologize. If what I did wasn't an obvious inconvenience to others, then I shouldn't apologize. If I made a big mistake, I should own the mistake, apologize once, and make sure I don't repeat it.

I hope that helps.